West London Alliance Church


Counting the Cost. Now What?

This week’s message on Luke 14:25-35 left me thinking. I feel very deeply about the passage Jon preached, and yet I don’t feel like I understand or am living it to the fullest. As I sat down to think about the depth and importance, different memories began to fill my mind.  “I want to come live with you,” the little

Worship - Haley Thompson

Hi my lovely West London Alliance family! I was asked to share a few thoughts on a worship song I have found impactful over the past season. For all of us, the last month and a half has been the exact opposite of what we expected. I have struggled to continue to make sense of what is happening and have had to surrender some disappointments and

Praying for Muslims during Ramadan

Hello church family, Ramadan, the holy month for Muslims around the world, is starting on April 24 this year, so I would like to invite you to join me in praying for our Muslim brothers and sisters. Let’s pray that: The Lord opens their hearts to pay attention to what is being said by His children (Acts 16:14) The Lord puts on our

Worship - Seek First

Jesus didn’t only say ‘don’t worry’, giving us the equivalent of a pain killer to reduce the symptoms of our anxiety. No, it’s better than that.

How to Pray through COVID-19

Many in our church family want to be praying for one another, the city, province, Canada and the world right now. Often times it's hard to know where to start. We invite you to join with us in praying for others. HEALTHCARE WORKERSFrom a nurse in our congregation Pray for our patients: for their healing, safety, comfort and loneliness.

Resources from the Library

Hello church family! Have some more interesting resources for you this week. 1. Have you heard of Boundless?  Boundless is an award-winning ministry of Focus on the Family with the goal of helping young adults grow up, own their faith, date with purpose and prepare for marriage and family. Through articles, a group blog, a weekly

Prayer - Mike and Nikki Howell

Mike and Nikki are going to Senegal, West Africa to serve with our denomination (The Christian and Missionary Alliance) as Alliance International Worker Apprentices. They plan to leave in January 2021.   We are looking at ways to continue support raising with the necessary social distancing precautions. This will likely involve

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!