West London Alliance Church

This week will want to focus on Danny & Vera Kuranji Danny & Vera have served as Alliance International Workers in Serbia for over 25 years. Take some time this week to pray for them. Praise the Lord they have made it back to Canada during the Covid-19 outbreak. Pray for the men at the Rehab Center.  They all have addictions. 


Have you checked out the #JesusChangedMyLife challenge that the Gospel Coalition put out? You can learn more here.Kelly Boers took the challenge. Check out her video below. 
A very interesting event takes place by the chief priests and Pharisees as Jesus lay in the tomb. As you open your Bibles to Matthew 27:62-66 you will find this account. Katherine Wright is going to read this short section for us today.  She is the daughter of Warren & Mary Wright.
It is Good Friday. In the scripture we are to read today we find the result of Judas’ betrayal, Jesus scourging, mocking, His crucifixion, death and burial. Our scripture reading is from Matthew 27:1-61. Again, another long section and it will be read by Mike & Nikki Howell, Alliance International Apprentices who are heading to Senegal

Easter Weekend Worship Set

Good morning, West London Alliance Church! It is a bittersweet thing to write these words to you today. How I long to be with you and enter in to worship with you on this blessed Lord’s Day. He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! Catherine and I were talking about the songs we would have led if church was happening as planned, and in the course

Camp Elements at Home

Click to hear from our wonderful Camp Elements staff. They have put together a list of "Camp Elements at Home" resources for you and your family during this time in quarantine.
We now enter into the last three days of Jesus’ time on the earth. This passage begins with the plot of Judas to betray Jesus. We then will read of the Last Supper, Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, His betrayal, Jesus before Caiaphas and the Council and finally the denial of Peter. Turn in your Bibles to Matthew 26: 14-75. This is a long

Church Staffing and Camp Elements

Church family, As I indicated on our Sunday livestream, I wanted to communicate some things about Camp Elements and about some of our part-time staff and the changes that this whole COVID-19 pandemic have brought about. Part-time Staff Following discussions with some staff members and our treasurer, we decided to put a temporary halt on some of

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!