West London Alliance Church


Maundy Thursday

Join us at 7pm tonight (Thursday, April 9) for a Maundy Thursday devotional with Pastor Jude. Don't have Facebook? No problem. You can watch the devotion right here.
Our focus today is on one of the more gripping accounts in scripture. It tells of the woman who came and anointed Jesus. Lynda Rolleman is going to read these verses today.  So follow along in Matthew 26:6-13


Isolation. “Welcome back from Peru! You get to spend the next 14 days by yourself in isolation!” Not exactly the plan we had when the WLA Youth team began their adventure to Peru. Not that this was anyone’s plan. The comforting matter of it all is that none of this was outside of God’s plan and foreknowledge.
Jesus has spent His time in Jerusalem and as we look at Matthew 23:37-24:14 we find His lament over that city, a foretelling of the destruction of the temple and signs of the end of the age. Even though He knew what was to happen to Him in just a few days, He still took time to teach of who He is and what lie ahead. A key verse in the passage is

Worship - Andre Vanderlaan

I have very much appreciated the daily devotionals and all the people that have been involved with it. It has been a blessing to me and I’m sure to you as well. When I think about what to share, I find myself to be more comfortable sharing parts of my life that I sometimes feel others need to hear, myself included. This of course comes

From the Library

So I think I’m expanding “beyond library resources”, 😊 but pour a cup of coffee and have a read through of some things I think you will like. Here is Zach Williams again as he co-authors a 3 day Easter reading plan. Definitely click to listen to his powerful single Empty Grave and see if you enjoy the very last note as much

Book Review: 7 Myths About Singleness

Book Review: 7 Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry It is unfortunate that the title of this book could lead you to believe that it may not be of interest or value to you. When a friend recommended it as a must-read and important addition to the church library, I somewhat reluctantly took it home to read. Now I find myself the one
Today we find Jesus cursing a fig tree. But in that account take special note of verses 21-22. He then has an encounter with the chief priests and elders of the temple and then provides for us teachings through two parables. The passage is Matthew 21:18-46. Please open your Bibles to that scripture as Laura & Mac Stanley read it for us.
Continuing in our Easter Sermon Series: Isaiah's Suffering Servant - Innocence Isaiah 53:7-9Don't have Facebook? No problem. You can watch the sermon right here.Sermon Notes | Link to Weekly Bulletins The worship set list and explanation for each of the selected songs can be found here. 
The prayer focus this week is for Matt and Connie who serve in the Asian Spice region.  Here are a few ways we as a church family can pray for them:  Please pray for God’s protection to be upon them as they are dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country in which they are serving.

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!