West London Alliance Church

Over the next week we would like you to join us, as together we read from scripture, Jesus last week on this earth. We will read of some of the events, teachings and issues Christ faced during this time. All the scripture readings are from the book of Matthew and read from the ESV Bible.  Today we begin with Christ’s Triumphal Entry

Worship - Andrew VanderPloeg

You know a song is good when you sit down to write a devotional about it and you can’t think of anything to add to what’s already said in the lyrics. This song, inspired by the classic hymn, Great is Thy Faithfulness, has been a very meaningful song to many of us at WLA for a long time. May it be a blessing to you today: Great is

Sermon Playlist for April 5, 2020

Hey everybody, Dave here, and here are my song choices for the worship set for this Sunday. As some of you know, our high-school missions team arrived back in Canada from Peru last weekend after an unforeseen extended stay. During our time in Peru, we were able to spend most evenings in a time of musical worship and broadcasted that time of

Money Matters

Recently, WLA asked Michael to share thoughts on money matters in light of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic is primarily a tragedy that elevates our concern for the physical health and safety of our loved ones.  These apprehensions are natural and each of us is burdened to pray for those individuals and families directly affected by the

Saturday with the Elders: Ron Standish

Last week we started a segment called, Saturday with the Elders. Today, I share some thoughts both as one of your Elders and your church treasurer. We give praise to our God for those of you who were able to respond so quickly to Jude's appeal to support the ministry of WLA. As of March 31st we have received 88% of our budget for our

Into the Unknown…

I thoroughly enjoy planning things. I like planning things so much I’ve turned it into my job. While my task list seems to change daily, essentially, I’m an event planner and organizer. I appreciate making lists, then checking off the things that I’ve accomplished; and like many people, I had drafted a plan for how my life was

Missionary Response: Josie Postma

My Thoughts While Being a Short-term Missionary in the COVID-19 Pandemic To be completely honest, I don’t usually feel like a missionary. Usually, life on the field feels just like living in another country only away from all of the typical support I am used to having. I am sure long-term workers in countries that are more closed off, or

Worship - with Barbara Postma

O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer  If I had to pick only one book of the Bible to keep for the rest of my life, I would likely pick the Psalms. I love them. Every single one of them is a favourite for one reason or another. One thing I love about the Psalms is that they put words to the human experience and give us freedom to admit how we are

Mission Peru recap with Dave De Smit

Early Saturday morning, the team from Mission Peru returned home. On Monday evening, Dave gave a recap of their last days and travel home from Peru. You can view it here.   Posted by Dave De Smit on Monday, 30 March 2020 Note: There is a brief sound issue in the beginning. This clears up within the first minute.

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!