West London Alliance Church

The Ladies Connection (TLC)

Hello ladies,TLC, The Ladies Connection, is a women's ministry program that meets to study the Bible together, to pray, and to encourage one another in the challenges of life and faith. TLC will look very different this fall. Nevertheless, I am excited to meet with you all again (or maybe for the first time!) We will be studying Fervent: A

Saturday with the Elders - Steve Gaunt

Read Christian Biographies Concerning what you're about to read, really, the title embodies all I want to say. It’s the short answer. If you’re pinched for time, you’re done. But if you want a little convincing, by all means, read on! (you’ll finish in less than 10 minutes :). Back in the 1990’s, when I was new to

Rhys Plant - Wednesday Staff Meeting

Two weeks ago in Wednesday Staff Meeting, Pastor Jude shared the exciting news of the next phase of plans to move forward with our desire to plant a church. He also shared that WLA has now hired Rhys Plant as the apprentice church planting pastor. In case you missed it, Rhys also preached on Sunday!  You can find Pastor Jude's

Saturday with the Elders: Dave Dunmore

Trees: Rooted and fruited!! Trees of all kinds colour, shape and size spread across our landscape. Who hasn’t sought out the shade of a tree on a hot day and reveled in its cool refreshment? We marvel at trees that have sprouted, taken root in a craggy cliff and then withstood the fiercest storms as they reach heavenward. Farmers

Daniel Kwong - Wednesday Morning Staff Meeting

Firstly, we give thanks to God for His love and mercy on us and the continual love and support from the WLA family. We as a Chinese fellowship have been so excited to be a part of this church and its community. Especially with the youth and children ministries to guide our future generations to draw closer to the Lord. We have been

Saturday Morning with the Elders - Brian Worrad

 “What would Jesus tweet?” * an adaptation from C.S. Lewis book title “The Screwtape Letters” (The following is an excerpt from an instructional letter sent by a senior devil named “Screwtape” to an apprentice devil named “Wormwood” regarding a Patient named Brian Worrad for whom he is

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!