West London Alliance Church

"Meeting" During COVID-19

Dear church family,

While we are unable to meet in person, we thank God for technology that allows us to meet virtually.
Whether you're a life group leader, a ministry leader, or someone who wants to meet with others in the church: here are two ways to use video calls for meetings.

Please contact the church office if you need help setting up any of these things.

HOSTS (ie. Life Group Leaders, Bible Study Leaders, initiators, etc.)

While we would suggest using a laptop or computer, both platforms also have apps downloadable on your smartphone.

STEP 1: Choose a time to meet with your group and communicate it to them

  • Consider continuing to meet at the same time you normally do
  • Let them know which platform you’ll be using (Google Hangouts or Zoom)

STEP 2: Pick one of TWO ways to start video calls with groups:


Google Hangouts





# of Participants (Devices)


Up to 100

Time Limit

No time limit

40 minutes per link

(ie. You could set up a 7PM link and a 7:40PM link)

When to send out the meeting link

Right before the meeting starts

In advance

Overall Level of Difficulty



Helpful Video





Google Hangouts

You (and those in your group) will need a Gmail email (Google Account) to use this method:

  1. Click here to access Google Hangouts
  2. Make sure you’re logged into your Google account
    1. If you are not, click the blue “Sign In” button at the top righthand corner of the screen
    2. If you are, you will see your profile picture at the top righthand corner of the screen
  3. Click the circle “Video Call” button at the centre of your screen, that will open a video call window
  4. Under “Invite People” click “Copy Link to Share”
  5. Send a message to your group via email, text message, Facebook etc. and include the copied link
  6. They will need to login to their Google account to join the video call



Setting Up a Meeting Link (A few days prior to the meeting)

  1. Create an account at zoom.us (only one person, the “host”, will need to make an account)
  2. Click “Schedule a Meeting” from the top right corner of the page
  3. Input the time and date of the meeting
  4. As you scroll down, next to “video” turn it ON for both host and participants
  5. Click the blue “Save” button at the bottom
  6. On the next page, find “Join URL” and “Copy the Invitation”
  7. Email, text, Facebook message your group that invitation


Starting your Zoom Meeting (A few minutes before the predetermined meeting time) 

  1. Log into zoom.us
  2. Click “My Account” in the top right-hand corner
  3. On the left under “Personal” click “Meetings”
  4. You should see the meeting you previously set up
  5. Click “Start”
  6. If you have not previously downloaded the zoom.us app, the web browser will prompt you to download the app, follow the instructions it gives you



Your leader or “host” should be communicating a meeting time to you in advance.

Make sure you have access to a laptop or computer with a video camera and microphone.

You can also download the app for both of these platforms on your smartphone.


If they’ve chosen to use Google Hangouts:

  1. Make sure you have a Google account (Gmail email)
  2. Wait for them to send you the meeting link a few minutes before the predetermined meeting time
  3. Click the link and you’re in the meeting :)


If they’ve chosen to use Zoom:

(*Note: If you are only a participant, you will NOT need to make a Zoom account) 

  1. They will send you a meeting invitation that includes a “Join Zoom Meeting” URL link and a meeting date/time
  2. At the specific date/time, click the given URL link (or copy & paste it into your browser)
  3. Your web browser will prompt you to download the app, follow the instructions it gives you
  4. You’re in the meeting :)

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COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!