West London Alliance Church

Remain Faithful

Good morning church family! We encourage you this morning with these words of the psalmist from the 67th Psalm: “Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you [God] judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.”

Even in turbulent times we can, and should, praise our heavenly Father and we should be glad and joyful because God is just and deals justly with mankind, and he sovereignly guides and direct the nations of the earth. For those of us who love him and have been called by him, he works all things for our good.

We will be regularly updating you over the next couple of days as we make adjustments to how we do things at West London Alliance Church. For the foreseeable future, things are going to look a lot different for us as a body of believers.

This morning we want to communicate to you in regards to your giving to the church. Thank you to all those who have indicated their concern and have asked how to maintain your regular giving during this time. The current events are sure to challenge West London Alliance Church financially even as it will for many of you individually. We hope you will, along with us, put your trust in our good God who provides all we need.

We encourage you to continue as you have always done, giving regularly, sacrificially, and cheerfully. Here is how you can do this in the absence of us meeting on the Lord’s Day. The following ways of giving are listed in order of preference from our perspective:

1) Sign up for our recurring Pre-Approved Donation Plan. You can stipulate a set recurring amount to be automatically withdrawn from your Bank Account on either the 3rd of each month, the 18th of each month, or both. Email kim@wlachurch.org specifying the amount you would like to contribute, which date(s) you would like to contribute on each month, along with your name, address, phone number, email, and a copy of a VOID cheque. If you aren't able to scan a copy of your VOID cheque, feel free to drop it off as per #3 below.

2) Etransfer funds directly from your bank account using the email payments@wlachurch.org Donations made in this manner will go to our WLA General Fund, to ensure we can continue to meet the ongoing costs of running our church and building . If you wish to designate your giving to something other than our General Fund, please see the other alternative options below.

3) Drop a cheque off to the church if you are safely "out and about". We will have a secure depository available just inside the front doors (book return cabinet) which will be accessible any time that staff is in the building during regular work hours (9:00-5:00) from Monday through Friday starting tomorrow. Keep in mind that though we intend to have someone here, there will be times that the church is unstaffed and thus the doors will be locked and a drop off unavailable.

4) Donate through CanadaHelps. Go to www.canadahelps.org ; type in West London Alliance Church and click "search", then click on our name when it comes up. Follow the remaining prompts, indicating the amount you wish to donate and choose from the drop down where you would like your donation to go from the three options. At this time, we would encourage you to choose "General Fund" to help cover the ongoing costs associated with running our church. A percentage of your donation will be retained by CanadaHelps as an administration fee, and they will provide you with your charitable receipt at year end.

As per usual, please share this with people from West London Alliance Church, particularly those who are not on Facebook or are not online at all.

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COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!