West London Alliance Church

Hear from Pastor Jude about the upcoming re-opening of church! 

A couple important notes: 

As we prepare to re-open, in today's staff meeting, I've outlined some of what can be expected for those who plan to attend. I encourage you all to grab a coffee and take a few minutes and watch the video.

As a few questions have come up since (and I'm certain there will be many more questions), for those who plan to watch the live stream of the service, we will plan to go live at the 9am service.

In addition, your free tickets will be reserved using Eventbrite and we do ask that if you are able, that is how you sign-up for the service of your choice. However recognizing that this won't necessarily be something that everyone can do, I also wanted to make note to ask you to not call the church office until Thursday at the earliest. Thanks for your help! 


On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Mary Anne Capstick said:

Thank you for a well thought-out presentation. I am sure that everyone realizes how much thought and effort by the staff has gone and will go into having an actual service on Sunday. I pray that everyone will give suitable thought and prayer into their decision as to whether or not to attend. We all have different circumstances. I am making the decision to attend after my own prayers. Blessings to everyone.


On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Judy Martin said:

I will feel very blessed when I feel I can attend the service, For right now I feel it is best for me to listen to service on computer.Age and health reasons led me to this decision .I pray that God will lead me to when I should attend .Looking forward to fellowship with the church family .Blessings to all .


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