West London Alliance Church

Kim Seabrook- Wednesday Staff Meetings

Good morning church family, 

Thank you for your continued support over the past few months. Things in the church office have been going well, although differently. I wanted to take some time to make you aware of a piece of information with regard to giving. 

As you know, throughout COVID-19, various alternatives to our usual Sunday morning offering have been given for the church family to contribute their tithes. If you are not already aware of those possibilities, you can check out this post. 

Recently, many of you have chosen to contribute your tithe using the E-Transfer option. If that is the case for you, I ask that you contact me in the office (kim@wlachurch.org or 519-471-8716 x 101) as I need your address, email, and phone number on file. This enables a charitable receipt to be issued at year-end. 

Thank you in advance for getting in touch with this information!

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