West London Alliance Church

Rhys Plant - Wednesday Staff Meeting

Two weeks ago in Wednesday Staff Meeting, Pastor Jude shared the exciting news of the next phase of plans to move forward with our desire to plant a church. He also shared that WLA has now hired Rhys Plant as the apprentice church planting pastor. In case you missed it, Rhys also preached on Sunday!  

You can find Pastor Jude's announcement from two weeks ago in this blog and you can find this past Sunday's sermon here

Today, Rhys shares about his family and their call to church plant and a little bit about their journey to WLA. 


On Friday, August 28, 2020, Susan Phillipson & Jim Mitchell said:

Thanks Rhys for going through and explaining the process of how you came to join WLA and your heart for missions and church planting. We too are excited to see what God will do! Congratulations on your new position on staff. We will be praying for you and your family as you adjust to the new direction God has led you in. In Christ, Susan & Jim


On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, Agnes M McCaffery said:

Thank you Rhys, and welcome!


On Wednesday, August 26, 2020, MaryAnne Capstick said:

Welcome. I enjoyed hearing about your life journey. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future.


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