West London Alliance Church

Saturday with the Elders - Dave Dunmore

Honey – Promises, Truths and a Riddle

The magnificence of God’s creation is on full display at this time of the year. The beauty of spring flowers shows the promise of the harvests to come. Avocados in Mexico, mangoes in Ghana and apricots in Armenia all depend on the honeybee to bring this to pass. The wonder of the pollination process results in rich, pure and golden honey, sweeter than the fruits and vegetables amongst which the honeybee toiled in their God ordered life. Amazingly, God uses honey to show us his promises being accomplished and the power his truths can have in our lives.

The people of Israel had been trapped in Egypt for over 400 years but remained under God’s watchful and loving eye. God raises and charges a reluctant Moses to lead the people “up out of the affliction of Egypt to … a land flowing with milk and honey.” (Exodus 3:17) And so began the effort and Exodus toward this land, underpinned by a promise directly spoken from God. We know that the journey was fraught with immense and seemingly insurmountable geographic, physical and emotional obstacles. There was the obstinate Pharaoh, more hard labour, plagues, desert heat, grumbling and disobedience. But look at some of what God did and how he moved and provided in the relentless pursuit to fulfill his promise:

  • A pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire to provide guidance;
  • Wind to divide the waters and to dry the land of the Red Sea;
  • Bitter waters made sweet and waters flowing from a rock;
  • Quail and bread “from heaven in abundance” (Psalm 105:40).

The people wavered continually and, on some days sang praises to God, or worshipped with great fervour, or made new idols, or brought their best offerings to the Lord, or wished they were back in Egypt under Pharaoh’s hand. Does this sound like us today? How often do we experience the blessing and bounty (i.e., the milk and honey) of God’s grace in our lives and then moments later reverse course and pay more attention to an ‘idol’ we have introduced? God reminded the people many times during their journey of the promise he had made and after more than 40 years and much adversity the reality of the land described as milk and honey was before them. Let us remember, seek out and taste the sweetness of the honey that is available to us each day. Meditate on your favourite verse, sing a cherished chorus and turn your eyes and thoughts toward our creator.

The Psalmist David took time during his life to study the limited amount of God’s Word that was available to him and, to immerse himself in the natural surroundings of the land of milk and honey. In Psalm 19 we read that the truths of the Lord expressed through the law, testimony, statutes, commandment, fear and judgements are “true and righteous”. Furthermore, understanding and applying these treasures in our lives will result in rewards “sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb”. (Psalm 19: 7-10) Like David we all have parts of our life which we can examine using the clarity offered by any one of God’s truths. We have the added benefit of God revealed through Jesus to help us understand and put into practice a life that will bring honour to our Saviour. Are we daily challenging ourselves to live God’s truths in such a way that causes our attitudes and behaviours to be sweeter than honey?

Now consider God’s promise to the people of Israel and David’s contemplations about God’s truths. Our time here will include trials and challenges but know that our Lord is walking with us and we can delight in the milk and honey he provides along our way. But to take full advantage of his provisions we need to take hold of each of God’s truths and fully consume them. Let’s take these declarations into our own hearts and actions to transform ourselves and encourage others as “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the body”. Proverbs 16:24

When you have a spoon dipped into the jar of golden honey or fresh honeycomb ponder the sweetness of God’s promises and truths in your own life. The natural and sweet joy that honey brings us should pale in comparison to the revealed nature of God that is here for us to enjoy and live in.

For another fascinating account of honey in scripture read Judges 14. Do you think you would have been able to solve Samson’s riddle? See how many of God’s promises and truths you can identify through Samson’s life. Grab your Bible, brew up a cup of tea with a spoonful of added honey or spread some honeycomb on warm toast and read how God’s sovereignty is borne out by the actions of Samson and his family.




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