West London Alliance Church

Saturday with the Elders - Tim Seabrook

Signs, signs, everywhere a sign!

Masks, masks, everywhere a mask, covering up your friendly smile, blocking out your voice, wear this, don’t wear that, did you forget your mask? If you are like me, growing up in the 60s and 70s, you may recall the song "Signs” by a band known as Five Man Electrical Band. I of course have modified the words here in order to echo a more modern theme. It was a song released on an album by the name of Good-Byes and Butterflies in 1970. Here’s hoping you can hear the tune. Mind you it may get stuck in your head as it is in mine right now.  It was a song that seemed to typify a generation resisting rules and regulations, trying to create a name for itself, exclusive of the traditional morals and values of the day. It was a song that became a hallmark of a time when people didn’t like being told what to do. It was a time, not just relegated to the 60s and 70s, of rebellion.

Now, my intention here is not to focus on the song or the era, but what has come to mind is our collective response to a very nasty virus called COVID 19.  If we are to obey the law and believe what the health experts are telling us, we are to wear a face covering or mask when out in public. This, we are told, is to prevent the spread of an invisible threat to our physical health, namely the COVID 19 Virus. Perhaps you have heard of it.

As a result, we see masks everywhere we go. Disposable masks or washable masks.  Masks that have patterns, or flowers, or team logos or are simply different colours. Masks made with cotton or synthetic materials. Creepy masks complete with smiling faces. Masks sold in stores or bought online. Disposable masks that now unfortunately litter the streets and will undoubtedly begin to fill our landfills.

Some believe they should be worn, some do not. There are groups of people demonstrating against the idea of such a thing being mandated. The question of whether or not our children should be required to wear them has also been raised with arguments both for and against the usage.  Again, my intention is not to comment on the efficacy of wearing a mask or whether our children should wear them or not, or whether or not the government has the right to enforce the issue. I do, however, feel that the argument for believers requires us to take seriously the command found in Romans 13:1 "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”  How this will play out in your day to day decision making process is up to you. But let us keep in mind Paul's exhortation stated a few verses earlier in Romans 12: 18 "If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”

You see, the world, with all its medical advances, is still not certain how best to deal with such an unseen enemy that can have little to no impact on some people, and a very devastating life ending impact upon others. This is not surprising. The only wisdom we have is given by an all knowing eternal and holy God who is sovereign over all. The fact that we have the medical technology and understanding that we have is a blessing from the Lord. The fact that we do not know how best to deal with such things is also a blessing from our God. It is not naturally in our hearts to bow before God. We don’t like to think that we cannot fix or save ourselves. For mankind’s tendency is not to seek God but to seek our own answers. The reason for this takes us right back to the Garden of Eden, and Adam and Eve.  These 2 people fell to the temptation of Satan, which was to believe they did not need God and therefore, could disobey, with no consequences, the one law that God had placed before them. How deceived they were! As a result, sin entered the world then, and every living thing came under the penalty of that sin. The penalty is death. COVID 19 and every other malady known to man is a result of, and part of, a fallen and sin filled world. We must realize that we cannot fix ourselves through any method found here in this world. Understanding that should make us look to the One who does have the answers. Not just for COVID 19, but for the real problem we have, which is our sin.

The good news is we do have the true, one and only way to deal with our real problem. Right from the beginning God had a plan to redeem His children and to provide a way of salvation. The plan, thankfully, is not for us to try to lift ourselves out of the sinful mire we find ourselves in, but rather to look to God Himself. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." We can’t save ourselves. We can’t prolong our days past the days that God has appointed to us. Psalm 139:16 reminds us "Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them." Although we may be able to deal with many illnesses and problems we face in this world, we will, in the end, yield up our lives and stand before our God. We will do so either clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ who died for us, or we will stand before our God in our own filthy, sin stained clothes with no recourse but to be found guilty as we are. However, we are told in Romans 8: 1-2 "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death." That is the best news of all!

Living out our lives each day, whether we don a mask or not, can at times be long and tiring. Conversely, our days can also be filled with joy and thanksgiving. We are to trust in the living God who gave his only son for us, in all of our days.  John 17:15 says "I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.” Our day to day walk requires faith. Faith in our Lord that He will work everything together for His good purposes, even the impact of COVID 19.  We are reminded of this in Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” 

Faith requires patience, which many of us may be short on, as we often cannot see past the next moment.  I recently read in a devotional by Paul David Tripp how we are impatient for God to fix things, expecting Him to operate as if everything is an event. However, more often than not, the Lord operates along the lines of a process, and we must be faithful and wait. He has a process in mind, and we have a life given to us to live day by day. 

I am reminded of an experience that taught me a lesson I have never forgotten. Many years ago, I lived in a little town called Centralia, just north of the city. I was heading into London for early morning men's prayer at the church. It was winter. If you have ever been caught in a streamer of snow coming in off the lakes, you will know of what I speak. It had started to snow heavily, so heavily that I could neither see in front of the car nor behind it. I could barely make out the road.  My headlights didn't provide me much light or comfort. I thought of pulling over but was afraid that anyone coming up behind me would not be able to see me. And I couldn't even determine accurately where the side of the road was. It was too dangerous.  I could not stop where I was (in the middle of the road) for fear of being hit from behind. I was afraid to move forward for fear of not knowing where the road was. So, the only choice I had was to continue moving forward, slowly, as best I could, while praying fervently. It took some time and distance to come out of the snow. It did not clear right away, but it did clear. In that incident the only safe thing to do was to keep moving, as I had no idea whether or not there was anyone else coming up in front of me or behind me. The possible threat I faced (like our nasty virus) was unseen. This is a lesson that I have never forgotten. The answer to my fear and problem at the time was to keep moving. Since that time, I have experienced a few other snowstorms, figuratively speaking, and have seen others experience the same.

Sometimes we are tempted to quit our walk with the Lord. Sometimes we are tempted to stop and give up because the “snow” is piling up, and we just can’t see which way to go or what to do. Don’t stop, keep going!  When answers to your prayers are not forthcoming, keep trusting in Jesus, keep going, don't stop; it's too dangerous. When relationships are shaken, or illness descends upon you or a loved one, keep trusting, keep going; it's too dangerous to stop. When employment ends, or your finances fail, keep trusting in your Lord, keep going; it's too dangerous to stop. We are reminded of the danger in 1 Peter 5: 8-9 "Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.”  Life can be dangerous, but we have a sure hope!  Isaiah 41:10  reminds us to "fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

In his book, Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis likens the earth to a place where there is a rebellion taking place. As we know, it began in the garden when sin entered the world and will be ongoing until Jesus Christ returns. So, brothers and sisters, let us not be a people who rebel or give up on our faith in Christ. If you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ and are trusting Him for your salvation, when you wake up tomorrow morning remember, you have been saved. As you go about your day remember you are being saved, and at the end of those days when you stand before God you will be saved. This was accomplished for you, and for me, by Jesus Christ. 

And when you wake up tomorrow morning, it's probably best that you also remember to wear your mask if you will be occupying any public spaces.  It might cost you a hefty fine if you don’t!


On Saturday, October 10, 2020, Lesleym said:

So good to read, yes we know, but to have a brother in Christ tell us. To reassure, to remind us, and to give his perspective to a experience, he dealt with then, and the snow storms along life’s journey we all must face. Not to turn away, if things don’t result in the way one would expect or desire. Your absolutely right the answer is patience, abide in our Saviour Jesus Christ who loves us like no other, give it to Him and trust, He has the right answers and plans for each of us. Thank you so much brother Tim. I relate, and l thank and praise our God .


On Saturday, October 10, 2020, Pauline Salisbury said:

When did you live in Centralia? I also lived there and Exeter and Crediton.


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