West London Alliance Church

We Need Your Help

Hey church family!

I was listening to a lecture by one of my favourite theologians—Wayne Grudem—and in that lecture on God’s providence he quoted Ephesians 1:11 which reads, “In him [Christ] we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will” (ESV). It was one of those times when you hear Scripture, perhaps a verse you have heard thousands of times, and it hits like it did the first time you read it. I was greatly encouraged by the phrase “him who works all things according to the counsel of his will.” All things. Pandemics. Peruvian mission trips. Political pronouncements. All things. Be comforted and reassured today. God is sovereign.

This extends to financial matters as well. God is sovereign over your financial situation, over your employment, and over the provision you and your family need. We are aware that the current situation will present a financial burden to many of you in the coming days and weeks, perhaps even months. We are praying for you. We are trusting God and his promises in regards to you. Please let us know if you need help.

God’s sovereignty also covers the financial situation of West London Alliance Church. Like many of you, this pandemic has already introduced a financial burden on the church which may continue until it is over. That being said, we trust God; he is always faithful. God’s faithfulness can be seen in the faithfulness of his people as they support the work of WLAC. We encourage you, as you are able, to continue to be faithful in regards to your support, remembering to give cheerfully, regularly, and sacrificially.

Until things return to normal—whatever that is and whatever that looks like on the other end of all this—here are the ways in which you can give to the church.

1) Sign up for our recurring Pre-Approved Donation Plan. You can stipulate a set recurring amount to be automatically withdrawn from your Bank Account on either the 3rd of each month, the 18th of each month, or both. Email kim@wlachurch.org specifying the amount you would like to contribute, which date(s) you would like to contribute on each month, along with your name, address, phone number, email, and a copy of a VOID cheque. If you aren't able to scan a copy of your VOID cheque, feel free to drop it off as per #3 below.

2) Etransfer funds directly from your bank account using the email payments@wlachurch.org Donations made in this manner will go to our WLA General Fund, to ensure we can continue to meet the ongoing costs of running our church and building. If you wish to designate your giving to something other than our General Fund, please see the other alternative options below.

3) Drop a cheque off to the church if you are safely "out and about". We will have a secure depository available just inside the front doors which will be accessible any time a staff member is in the building. The depository is the book return cabinet that is just inside the first set of double doors at the front of the building. Due to the government’s requirements for non-essential organizations, we cannot ensure there will always be someone at the building. However, between the hours of 10:00 and 3:00 there will usually be someone there and the depository will be accessible. If the front doors are locked, please return again at another time. Alternatively, you could mail cheques to the church. Our address is 750 Wonderland Road N., London, ON, N6H 4K9.

4) Donate through CanadaHelps. Go to www.canadahelps.org ; type in West London Alliance Church and click "search", then click on our name when it comes up. Follow the remaining prompts, indicating the amount you wish to donate and choose from the drop down where you would like your donation to go from the three options. At this time, we would encourage you to choose "General Fund" to help cover the ongoing costs associated with running our church. A percentage of your donation will be retained by CanadaHelps as an administration fee, and they will provide you with your charitable receipt at year end.

We thank you and praise God for your continued faithfulness in this. We entrust you to God in these times, and entrust West London Alliance Church to Him as well.

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COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!