West London Alliance Church

Women's Ministries

WLA Women’s Ministry exists to equip women with the Word of God, for the work of His kingdom. Through all of our activities, we do ministry with and for each other to grow in our knowledge, love and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, and to proclaim His gospel and make disciples.  

Whatever your calling and contexts, we invite you to join us in our various ministry initiatives as we worship Christ and are transformed into His likeness!

Please explore the different women's ministries at WLA by clicking the profiles below. The contact information for each specific ministry is listed in the profile, but if you are looking for general information about women's ministries, please email women@wlachurch.org.

TLC is a women's ministry that meets Monday nights 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. or Wednesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 a.m., September to May, for Bible Study, fellowship, and prayer. 

Each Tuesday of the school year, from 6:15 to 7:30 a.m.group of women from all stages of life meet in the WLA sanctuary for discussion, prayer, and encouragement.

A few times a year, the women of WLA and their guests meet on a Saturday morning for singing, teaching, testimonies and mutual encouragement.

Once a year in June, the women of WLA get away together for a weekend retreat. It is a time of teaching, prayer, fun and fellowship.