Our "big event" each week is the Sunday Morning Worship Service, which takes place from September to May both at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. (with a warm and friendly "Intermission" coffee and fellowship time in the gym at 10:15 a.m.). (In June, July and August, our Sunday mornings feature one service only that begins at 10:00 a.m.)
Although a whole series of church activities show up from time to time in the course of a Sunday morning (special announcements and presentations, infant dedications, introduction of new members, baptisms, etc.), the two main features are:
While the Worship Services are taking place each Sunday morning, our infants are receiving tender loving care in the Seedlings Room, and our children (Ages 3 to Grade 8 at 9:00 and to Grade 3 at 11:00) are being instructed and encouraged to know and love God in our GROWZONE and JUNIOR HIGH programs.
"Communion" is regularly celebrated as a part of the Sunday morning Worship Services, usually on the first Sunday of the month.