Originally posted March 14, 2009:
I sometimes wonder if my time might be better spent reading more about current issues and less about long-dead theologians such as Martin Luther, John Owen, Jonathan Edwards, D. M. Lloyd-Jones, C. S. Lewis, and A. W. Pink.
But then I read this from another dead writer:
I'll give my vote to the dead guys.
Originally posted March 23, 2009:
It looks like John Stott thinks the old theologians should be respected. Of course, they weren't always right, but they deserve serious consideration and study. And it seems to me, when they were wrong they were often wrong in the right way. For instance, I believe that John Wesley held to some doctrines which were incorrect. As we all do. But I wish my doctrines were incorrect in such a fashion so as to cause me to live a life like John Wesley lived his. You've got to love the old guys!
On Thursday, May 14, 2020, Gerald Hayes said:
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