West London Alliance Church

In today’s Wednesday Morning Staff Meeting, Rhys gives a brief overview of what occurred at the Church Plant Info Nights, and gives an update on what he will be doing during his internship at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC over the coming months.
Rhys Plant
Rhys Plant Apprentice Church Planting Pastor

Rhys was born and raised in a Christian home in Southwestern Ontario and he and his wife Natalie have five kids: Caedmon, Bronwyn, Marek, Freya and Ronan. He has a BA from Huron at Western and an MTS from Heritage College and Seminary.


On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, stuart lightbody said:

Rhys, when you say 'see the word' I am reminded of a Luthern church I once attended where the pastor come into the sanctuary, walked down the isle of the church, carrying the Bible (a big Bible) above his head, placed on a table, opened it and paused in silent prayer. It was obviously a moment I have never forgotten.

I have never met your wife or kids - only Caedmon. Sometime put their picture on so we immune-compromised-stay-at- homers can see them all.

The LORD be with you in Washington.

Stuart - that old guy you once met


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