West London Alliance Church

Saturday with the Elders - Tim Seabrook

What's the Problem With Dandelions Anyway?  Often I don’t have a lot to say. Sometimes I have a few things to say. And then there are times when I say something that produces a very quizzical look on my wife's face. This is about one of those times. As a result of COVID-19, I am now working from home and have taken to walking the

Kim Seabrook- Wednesday Staff Meetings

Good morning church family, Thank you for your continued support over the past few months. Things in the church office have been going well, although differently. I wanted to take some time to make you aware of a piece of information with regard to giving. As you know, throughout COVID-19, various alternatives to our usual Sunday

Psalms: A Lament- Psalm 44

For another summer, we are continuing our Sermon Series in the Psalms: A Lament. Looking at Psalm 44. Don't have Facebook? No problem. You can watch the sermon right here.Sermon Notes | Full Sermon Notes | Link to Weekly Bulletins

Saturday with the Elders - Gerald Hayes

Special Memories Found in the Old Treasure Chest This little chest belonged to my mother who kept it in the spare bedroom closet in the farmhouse where I grew up. Mom used to store special pieces of jewelry and similar treasures in it. Somehow, this chest came into my possession after her death in 1993. Mom’s treasures are long gone, but

What to Expect at WLA During COVID-19

As some of you may be considering coming back to church in-person in the next few weeks, we wanted to give you a glimpse of what church at WLA looks like during COVID-19. Although it's not exactly what we are used to, I have found it to be a great encouragement to gather together again. We have put together a video that you can view below

Saturday with the Elders - Ron Standish

Dear church family, let me briefly introduce myself to you. I am Ron Standish. My wife and I, and our family have been attending WLA for 28 years and I have served as an elder since 1996. By the grace of God, He saved me in 1970 when I was 15 years old and He has enabled me to walk faithfully with Him with all the ups and downs that come from

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!