West London Alliance Church

Saturday with the Elders - Dave Dunmore

Honey – Promises, Truths and a Riddle The magnificence of God’s creation is on full display at this time of the year. The beauty of spring flowers shows the promise of the harvests to come. Avocados in Mexico, mangoes in Ghana and apricots in Armenia all depend on the honeybee to bring this to pass. The wonder of the pollination
Hear from Pastor Jude about the upcoming re-opening of church! A couple important notes: As we prepare to re-open, in today's staff meeting, I've outlined some of what can be expected for those who plan to attend. I encourage you all to grab a coffee and take a few minutes and watch the video.As a few questions have come up since (and

Saturday with the Elders - Brian Worrad

Good morning to my West London Alliance family. It is my opportunity this week to spend Saturday morning with you. This morning, I am taking the opportunity to discuss matters with you which are very important and which are also relationally significant (make sure you have your coffee). Before I get to the meat of my discussion, please afford me
On Sunday, June 7th, people from various locations across Canada and the United States joined together to be a part of the conversation at the online "Racism and Christianity: Is it Black and White?" event. This was an important time for us as the church to hear the hearts of our black brothers. In Pastor Jude's sermon on Sunday, he

COVID-19 Support

Please let us know how we can support you in the midst of this pandemic. Whether they are practical needs requests, or prayer and spiritual support requests, please fill out this form and we will be in touch!