West London Alliance Church

Sermon Archives


Mike Wilkins
Isaiah 53: 10,11
On this glorious Easter Sunday, we lift up our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to our victorious risen Lord Jesus Christ, and consider the cost and benefits of our salvation from his perspective.
2010-2012 Sermons

2010-2012 Sermons


    Mike Wilkins - December 23, 2012

    Dec 23rd Sermon

    Mike Wilkins - December 16, 2012

    This is the first of two "Christmas Sunday's" at West London as we make our way through December to Chistmas Day.

    Nate Wright - December 09, 2012

    Today we conclude our 12 week series by looking at Paul’s answers to several questions which are crucial to a believers understanding of how the gospel applies to their lives and how it ought to be proclaimed. 

  • NOVEMBER 25, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO # 10 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - November 25, 2012

  • NOVEMBER 18, 2012. FRIENDS ROMANS MATEO # 9 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - November 18, 2012

    It is one thing to dream of freedom and talk about freedom, but only God can grant true freedom. And he does it through Jesus Christ.
  • November 11, 2012. A HELP IN TROUBLE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - November 11, 2012

    As we worship God this morning, we honour the sacrificial service of the men and women who served God and country in times of war. And we thank God for them.


    Nate Wright - November 04, 2012

    This morning Nate Wright examines the first half of Romans 5 with us, in which Paul unveils another beautiful aspect of the gospel; Justification provides the way that humanity may have peace with God.
  • OCTOBER 28, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #7 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - October 28, 2012

    This morning, [Mike Wilkins preaching] we examine the 2nd half of Romans 5, in which Paul highlights another amazing aspect of the gospel by comparing and contrasting the impact on the human race of Adam, the first man, and Christ, the last Adam.

  • OCTOBER 21, 2012. SEND SUNDAY Listen

    Mag's Magwood - October 21, 2012

    This mornings worship service provides us with the opportunity to learn about, and to celebtrate, what God is doing all over the world to reach the nations for Christ through the ministry of SEND International. Our own Mags's Magwood, Canadian Director, will deliver the presentation.
  • OCTOBER 14, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #6 Listen

    Nate Wright - October 14, 2012

    Our study of the book of Romans continues with the apostle Paul’s call to avoid becoming “conformed to the world” by being instead transformed --- in a particular way.

  • OCTOBER 7, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #5 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - October 07, 2012

    Our study of the book of Romans continues, with the apostle Paul's famous appeal to live life as an expression to God of our praise and thanks.
  • SEPTEMBER 30, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #4 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 30, 2012

    Our study of the book of Romans continues, as we work to get the gospel clear in our heads and clear out of our mouths in anticipation of opportunities to talk to our friends about our great God: opportunities that we hope the Lord will empower us to create.

  • SEPTEMBER 23, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS. MATEO #3 Listen

    Nate Wright - September 23, 2012

    We’re looking into the book of Romans, looking to get the gospel clear in our heads and clear out of our mouths in anticipation of opportunities that we hope the Lord will give us (or empower us to create) to talk to our friends about our great God.
  • SEPTEMBER 16, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 16, 2012

    We're looking into the book of Romans to get the gospel clear in our heads and clear out of our mouths. This week the topic is "the righteousness of God."
  • SEPTEMBER 9, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO. #1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 09, 2012

    At the begining of this new ministry year, we begin a 6-week series of studies from the book of Romans.

    Mike Wilkins - September 02, 2012

    One last time this summer, we look at the Letter of Jude, this time with the question of what hope we have of becoming genuine contenders of the faith.

  • AUGUST 26, 2012. BELOVED CONTENDERS #4 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - August 26, 2012

    “Jude” explains that God’s people need to “contend for the faith” because of the serious danger of “ungodliness.” The obvious starting point is “godliness,” which we once again consider this morning as our study continues. Today’s question: What does this have to do with the people in our lives?

  • AUGUST 19, 2012. BELOVED CONTENDERS #3 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - August 19, 2012

    The letter of Jude addresses the issue of contending for the faith, that is, contending against the "ungodly people" who pose such danger to the people of God. This morning we consider the meaning of godliness: the primary means by which we are to oppose the ungodly.

  • AUGUST 12, 2012. ALWAYS BE READY WEEK #4 Listen

    Nate Wright - August 12, 2012

    Continuing the series “Always be Ready” we continue to learn what it means to proclaim the gospel by defending our faith. This morning we look at the question: “If God is good, why is there so much suffering?” How can we explain our belief in a good and loving God in a world so full of evil?

  • AUGUST 5, 2012. ALWAYS BE READY WEEK #3 Listen

    Nate Wright - August 05, 2012

    Continuing the series “Always be Ready” we continue to learn what it means to proclaim the gospel by defending our faith. This morning we look at the question: “Who was Jesus?” As Christians we have very strong convictions about who this man was, if we want others to bow their knee to Jesus as Lord, how do we convince them that he is who he says he was?
  • JULY 28, 2012. BELOVED CONTENDERS #2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - July 28, 2012

    Pastor Wilkins takes the second step in a five-sermon series based on the letter to Jude, and with it issues the second challenge of the West London summer.



    Nate Wright - July 15, 2012

    Peter commands us to "always be prepared to give a defense" for our faith. How can we be ready? How do we measure whether or not we are prepared? And how do we defend objective truth in a culture that deifies subjectivity and tolerance of conflicting worldviews? This morning we deal with the issue of the Bible. Is the Bible a book written by God for men or a book written by men about God? How do we, as Christians, defend the Word of God as authoritative and authentic to a culture that regards it as mythology or bent history?


    Nate Wright - July 08, 2012

    Today, Apprentice Pastor Nate Wright begins a 4-Sunday sermon series entitled “Always Be Ready: Proclaiming the Gospel by Defending the Faith.” (July 8 & 15, August 5 & 12)

    Peter commands us to "always be prepared to give a defense" for our faith. How can we be ready? How do we measure whether or not we are prepared? And how do we defend objective truth in a culture that deifies subjectivity and tolerance of conflicting worldviews?


    Mike Wilkins - July 01, 2012

    This morning: Pastor Wilkins begins a 5-Sunday sermon series entitled "Beloved Contenders". It is based on the Letter of Jude and will be featured in the Sunday Worship Services of July 29, August 19 & 26 and Labour Day weekend.

    Mike Wilkins - June 17, 2012

    Without a doubt, the cost of being in on the amazing grace of God is high, but the rewards are very very good! How could they not be? It is the Lord Jesus himself giving them out.


    Mike Wilkins - June 10, 2012

    Without a doubt, the cost of being in on the amazing grace of God is high, but the cost of refusing the grace of God is higher. This morning, we study the proverb with which Jesus winds down his address to his twelve apostles.
  • JUNE 3, 2012.TAKING UP THE CROSS Listen

    Nate Wright - June 03, 2012

    The cost of following Christ and so getting in on the amazing grace of God is summarized by Jesus in a striking figure of speech.
  • MAY 27, 2012. FIRST PLACE Listen

    Nate Wright - May 27, 2012

    In a world that grows busier and more demanding with each passing day, today we are reminded that we serve a savior who will only hold one place in our lives: the first. ( our 10-week sermon series on Matthew 10 continues)

  • MAY 20, 2012. NOT PEACE, BUT A SWORD Listen

    Nate Wright - May 20, 2012

    Today we encounter Jesus telling his disciples that he "did not come to bring peace, but a sword". What kind of declaration is this and what does it mean for disciples called to be peacemakers? (Our 10-week sermon series on Matthew 10 continues.)
  • MAY 13, 2012. FEAR AND FEARLESS. PART 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - May 13, 2012

    In a matter of speaking, there's a difference between believing something and really believing it. And sometimes, the difference matters (Our 10-week series on Matthew 10 continues)
  • MAY 6, 2012. - FEAR AND FEARLESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - May 06, 2012

    The 12 original followers of Christ learned some things about being a disciple when Christ sent them out as apostles. And we will too, as we follow Christ's instructions, taking opportunities to speak about him --- and his gospel

    Mike Wilkins - April 29, 2012

    The 12 orginal followers of Christ learned some things about being a disciple when Christ sent them out as apostles. And we will too, as we follow Christ's leadning, taking opportunities to speak about him --- and creating opportunities!
  • APRIL 22, 2012. OBVIOUSLY URGENT Listen

    Nate Wright - April 22, 2012

    Jesus sends his twelve disciples out on a mission to "proclaim the good news of the kingdom" to the lost sheep of Israel. His instructions to his followers centries ago holds within them an urgency that applies very specifically to the work we're all still called to today. This is the second of a 10-week series
  • APRIL 15, 2012. THE COST OF PRAYER Listen

    Mike Wilkins - April 15, 2012

    Sometime after Jesus delivered the sermon on the mount, he presented another major address, specifically to his 12 apostles, before he sent them out for the first time as hos messengers. In this address, we find details of what it costs a person to be, by the grace of God, a disciple of Jesus Chirst. This is the first of a 10-week series
  • APRIL 8, 2012. EASTER EYES Listen

    Mike Wilkins - April 08, 2012

    On this glorious Easter Sunday, we lift up our hearts in praise and thanksgiving to our victorious risen Lord Jesus Christ, and consider the cost and benefits of our salvation from his perspective.

    Mike Wilkins - April 06, 2012

    Have you noticed that sometimes, even in ordinary lives like yours and mine, just when things seem most out of control, we are able to see that actually every detail has been scripted? How much more can this be seen to be true in the life of "the ultimate human being," Jesus Christ? The details of the day we call Good Friday are the best example.



    Nate Wright - April 01, 2012

    On this Palm Sunday morning, we continue to prepare our hearts and minds for Easter by considering the Gospel account(s) of Christ's brilliant entrance to Jerusalem.

    Mike Wilkins - March 25, 2012

    The Cost of GRACE, Part 1

    This morning we begin a 3-Sunday (and one Friday) series of sermons in preperation for Easter, by considering the Gospel account(s) of the Transfiguration of Christ.


    Mike Wilkins - March 11, 2012

    Our 9-week Sunday morning study of the Beatitudes concludes today with a look at the blessing that the Lord pronounces upon those who are persecuted "for righteousness sake."

    Nate Wright - March 04, 2012

    In his introduction to the "Sermon on the Mount" Jesus declares that it is "the peacemakers" who are blessed and that it is they who shall be called the children of God.


    Mike Wilkins - February 26, 2012

    In starting his “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus declares that it is “the pure in heart” who are blessed and that it is they who shall see God. Our Sunday morning study of the Beatitudes continues.


    Mike Wilkins - February 19, 2012

    After a 10-week convalescence, Pastor Mike resumes his preaching responsibilities and takes on the fifth of the eight Beatitudes, in which the Lord pronounces a blessing upon "the merciful." This morning therefore we look to the Gospel of Matthew to consider what being merciful really has to do with being a follower of Christ.

    Nate Wright - February 12, 2012

    Are you a genuine disciple of Christ?  This morning we look at another marker of genuine discipleship and what it has to do with our longings.  What does your heart actually long for?  What is it that you need emotionally, spiritually and intellectually like the body needs food and drink?  Jesus says that his true followers Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, and that only they will be filled.



    Nate Wtight - February 05, 2012

    Are you a genuine disciple of Christ? This morning we look at the third marker of genuine discipleship. To his listeners Jesus is making a bold claim when he says that the "meek shall inherit the earth". They live in a reality of land ownership and it has nothing to do with being meek... it has everything to do with conquest and power! What was Jesus saying that only his tru followers had the ears to hear?

    Nate Wright - January 22, 2012

    Are you a genuine disciple of Christ? This morning we look at the second marker of genuine discipleship. What does Jesus mean when he calls those who mourn blessed? What are we to mourn over, and what ought to bring us to joy? The true joy that Jesus offers is birthed out of a conviction of sin. Only those who mourn can be comforted with what brings lasting joy.

  • JANUARY,15.2012.POOR IN SPIRIT Listen

    Nate Wright - January 15, 2012

    Are you a genuine disciple of Christ? This morning we look at the first of eight markers of genuine discipleship. What does Jesus mean when he calls those who are poor in spirit blessed? The more we make of our need to be saved, the more we make of our Saviour. What view do you hold of your condition? And does it prove you to be a follower of Jesus, or yourself?

    Nate Wright - January 08, 2012

    There is a COST to being a disciple of Jesus. God paid the ultimate cost in the death of his son... should something that cost God so much cost us nothing? The more we are willing to pay for something, the more valuable it is to us. What are you willing to give up?
  • JANUARY 1, 2012. MAKE ME Listen

    Nate Wright - January 01, 2012

    At the turn of the calendar we look back on a year that was, and forward, to a coming year. The busier we get the faster time seems to go. How can we pause to reflect on how to live intentionally, with the goal of progressing in our journey of faith?
  • December 25, 1011. OUR FATHER; IMMANUEL Listen

    Nate Wright - December 25, 2011

    This morning we conclude our short series on the Fatherhood of God by looking at what it means that Christ is Immanuel. The longing of our heart to know and be known by our father can be satisfied because of what this Christmas season truly means.
  • Dec 18, 2011.OUR FATHER, OUR PROTECTOR Listen

    Nate Wright - December 18, 2011

    As Christmas and "A Father for Beatrice" approach, we continue our series about the Fatherhood of God. The series is designed to equip the saints for conversations and ministry oppourtunities birthed out of this time of year.
  • December 11, 2011.OUR FATHER, OUR PROVIDER Listen

    Mike Wilkins - December 11, 2011

    The essence of fatherhood is responsibility and a father's primary responsibility is to provide. So what should it mean to us that God calls himself "our father"?
  • December 4, 2011.GLORY AND THE LOVE OF CHRIST Listen

    Mike Wilkins - December 04, 2011

    The final sermon in the "GLORY in the Face" series provides a look at the way in which the life of the apostle Paul was controlled by the love of Christ. --- and how the love of Christ should impact us.
  • November 20, 2011.GLORY AND THE FEAR OF THE LORD Listen

    Mike Wilkins - November 20, 2011

    Paul the apostle was not only a man with a remarkably undiscouraged heart. He was also remarkably fearless. But it wasn't exactly fearlessness.
  • November 13, 2011.THE GLORY AND OUR OWN MORTALITY Listen

    Nate Wright - November 13, 2011

    A close look at the apostle Paul's remarkable attitude towards his own mortality --- and how our view of the glory of God should change our own attitude towards death.
  • November 6, 2011.THE GLORY EXTENDED Listen

    Mike Wilkins - November 06, 2011

    Paul, the apostle with the surprisingly undiscouraged heart, sets for West London an example of how God uses his people, and his churches, to make known his greatness.

    Mike Wilkins - October 30, 2011

    Considering the details of the apostle Paul's personal circumstances, it is amazing that he could assure the Corinthians that he was not losing heart!
  • October 23, 2011.THE GLORY OF THE SPIRIT'S FREEDOM Listen

    Nate Wright - October 23, 2011

    This 7th sermon in our "Glory in the Face" series considers the glorious and transforming difference that Christ and his new covenant with us makes.
  • October 16, 2011.THE GLORY OF GOD BEING ENOUGH Listen

    Mike Wilkins - October 16, 2011

    What should you do when the work you are called to do is beyond your level of competence? The apostle Paul had an answer to that question!
  • October 9, 2011.GLORY ON PARADE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - October 09, 2011

    Paul the apostle is our example of the fact truth that the designs of God ensure that the followers of Christ are always in the position to demonstrate something about God's greatness.

    Nathanael Wright - October 02, 2011

    Apprentice Pastor Nate Wright takes us the next step on our way through the first six chapters of 2 Corinthians as he looks at what Paul the apostle wrote about his own changing circumstances.
  • September 25, 2011.GLORY IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE PROBLEMS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 25, 2011

    Paul the apostle reveals, by his example, that the problems we have with people are also loaded up with the good and loving designs of God.
  • September 18, 2011.GLORY IN THE FACE OF DEADLY PERIL Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 18, 2011

    At the beginning of his letter to the Corinthians, Paul sets out what he understood about his own sufferings which changed so much how he looked at them, and how he and his faith were able to survive them.
  • September 11, 2011.GLORY IN THE FACE OF CHRIST Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 11, 2011

    To begin this 3-month series of studies of 2 Corinthians:1-6, we look at two verses in the beginning of the text and see the point the Paul is making by linking them together.
  • September 4, 2011.PAUL IN HIS PRIME.Part 3 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 04, 2011

    We conclude our introduction to a series beginning on Sunday, September 11 by considering the experiences of Paul in his work as an apostle of Christ, especially one particularly humiliating experience.
  • August 21, 2011.PAUL IN HIS PRIME, Part 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - August 21, 2011

    As the first of three introductory sermons to the 3-month sermon series that begins on September 11, we look at how the apostle Paul started the church in the city of Corinth. The record shows that he started it with remarkable courage and commitment!
  • August 7, 2011.FOUR REASONS TO HOPE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - August 07, 2011

    Pastor Wilkins presents a simple plan for obeying the New Testament instructions to "be ready to make a defense to anyone who asks you a reason for the hope" that is in us.
  • July 3, 2011.FAITH MADE CHOICES. Part 4 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - July 03, 2011

    Perhaps the most obviously imperfect "person of faith" in the Hebrews 11 list serves as a very good example of faith expressed through imperfect behavior. Our series concludes with a look at Rahab the prostitute, and at the remarkable grace of God.
  • June 26, 2011.FAITH MADE CHOICES. Part 3 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - June 26, 2011

    In this 3rd sermon in our 4-week series called "Faith-made Choices," we see Moses, and then the people of Israel after him, serving as examples of the clear-headed, courageous choices that their faith in God enabled them to make.
  • June 19, 2011.FAITH MADE CHOICES. Part 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - June 19, 2011

    As were his parents before him, Moses was an example of a person of faith, who with clarity and courage, chose to do the will of God and to refuse all that stood in the way. Our study of "faith-made choices" continues.
  • June 12, 2011.FAITH MADE CHOICES.Part 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - June 12, 2011

    This first sermon in a new four-week series focussing our attention on the ways in which our faith in God should affect the choices we make looks at the parents of Moses, and the choice they made that saved the life of their baby boy.
  • June 5, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN. Part 6 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - June 05, 2011

    Our six week study of men (and a woman) of faith concludes with a study of Abraham and the commandment of God to make a burnt offering of his son, Isaac "whom he loved."
  • May 22, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN. Part 4 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - May 22, 2011

    Abraham is yet another Old Testament example of the faith that is assured of things hoped for and convicted of things not seen.
  • March 21, 2010: A Holy Priesthood in the Land Listen

    Chad Louwerse - March 21, 2010

    "Holy" - How is it defined, and what does it mean to live a Holy life. Today's sermon explores these questions
  • December 27, 2009: Walking with God in 2010 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - December 27, 2009

    Centuries after their exit from Egypt and after living all those years in the Promised Land, the people of God hear through the prophet Micah what it was that God required of them. There were three things, actually, and the third is that they "walk" humbly with him.
  • DECEMBER 30, 2012. SEEING THE LORD Listen

    Nate Wright - September 01, 2014

    December 30 sermon

  • DECEMBER 2, 2012. FRIENDS, ROMANS, MATEO #11 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Grace, peace, freedom, life”… The good news from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans sounds very very good. And it is! But that’s not to say that God’s people don’t suffer. And Romans 8 is very plain about that!

  • August 28, 2011. PAUL IN HIS PRIME, Part 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    This morning, we continue our introduction to a series begining in September by examining the state of the church that Paul the apostle established in the city of Corinth.
  • August 14, 2011 - Jesus Our Better Hope Listen

    Rob Bell - September 01, 2014

    WLA member Rob Bell examines Paul's letter to the Colossians to see how Jesus is a better hope than all of the other hopes this world presents, and how as Christians, we need to remind ourselves regularly of the hope of heaven.
  • July 24,2011 - Faith Made Choices - Continued Listen

    Chis Postma - September 01, 2014

    David's mighty men serve as an example to us today, in fighting courageously and sacrificially, but also in trusting God with the troubles he brings into our lives that cause us to follow him in the first place!
  • July 10,2011.Because of His Great Love Listen

    Ron Standish - September 01, 2014

    Today Ron Standish Speaks from Ephesians 2:4

    Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us how great the love of God is towards us and how we in response ought to love and honour our Saviour and love those around us.

  • May 29, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN. Part 5 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The 5th in this series focusses on Abraham's wife, Sarah, and the opportunity that God enabled her to take, an opportunity of a very distinct sort, "MATEO-wise"! [Please note and accept our apologies: the first few minutes of the sermon were not recorded.)
  • May 15, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN. Part 3 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Next up in the list of men and women of faith, that is, men and women convinced of "things not seen," is Noah who trusted God enough to obey him when he was told to build a really big waterproof box.
  • May 8, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN.Part 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first of a number of examples of faith as "the conviction of things not seen" is Abel, whose tragic story is told in Genesis 4:1-10.
  • May 1, 2011.THINGS NOT SEEN.Part 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    An introduction to a series of character studies of men and women of great faith whose actions are written up in Hebrews 11. In each example, their faith was vitally connected to hope and to "things not seen."
  • April 24, 2011.EASTER SUNDAY MORNING Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Even some of the 11 apostles found it hard to believe that Jesus was alive, and that the glorious gospel is true --- and so might we! Paul the apostle prayed for the people of the church in Ephesus that God would empower them to comprehend how willing and able God is to help us believe in, and live for, the living Lord Jesus!
  • April 10, 2011.FIVE THINGS BAPTISM PICTURES Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    On this Baptism Sunday, we look into the New Testament at five things that being baptized is a picture of, beginning with Galatians 3:27.

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In the final vision of the Revelation, Jesus is revealed as the husband of the church, the bride that comes down from heaven.


    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Revelation 20 provides us with three new visions, all of them explaining the unique and absolute authority of Christ.

  • March 13, 2011.REVEALING JESUS ON A WHITE HORSE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    As the "drama set on earth" continues, Jesus is revealed as the conqueror on the a white horse, with his sword proceeding from his mouth.


    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    A "drama set on earth" begins as we see Jesus as the Lamb (from the 1st drama) not standing on Mount Zion, but also as "one like a son of man" seated on a white cloud, with something new in his hand.

  • February 27, 2011.REVEALING Jesus as the Shepherd of the Nations Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In between the "drama" of Chapters 4-11 and the "drama" of Chapters 13-18 is a brief "half-time presentation" that we call Chapter 12... in four parts.

  • February 20, 2011.Time for a Change? Listen

    Lyall Mix - September 01, 2014

    Associate Pastor Lyall Mix preaches a message based on the life of King Saul.

  • February 6, 2011.REVEALING JESUS IN HIS WRATH, PART 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The Lamb breaks the 7th seal and reveals 7 angels with 7 trumpets --- and himself as the One in sovereign control of all his and all our enemies.

  • January 30, 2011.REVEALING JESUS IN HIS WRATH, PART 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The "Lamb of God" continues to be revealed in his glory as the seals of the scroll are opened, one at a time.

  • January 23. 2011.REVEALING JESUS IN HIS WORTH Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    John's second revelation of Jesus is as "a Lamb, standing as if slain" before the throne of God --- and worthy to do the urgent and important thing that no other person in heaven or on earth was able to do.

  • January 16, 2011.REVEALING JESUS AS THE REWARDER Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In this third study of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," we see Jesus in his glory --- and in his relationship to seven of his churches.

  • January 9, 2011.REVEALING JESUS AS THE CHRIST Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    As the sequel to last week's introduction to this study of the Book of Revelation, we take an overview of the entire book by considering "seven debatable details."

  • January 2, 2011.WE'RE GOING TO STUDY WHAT? Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Three answers to the question of why to study such a controversial and difficult book of the Bible this year, with three actions to which this study calls us.

  • December 26, 2010.THE REVEALING OF MANY HEARTS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In this 4th look at the desires of the heart and their relationship to the coming of Christ into the world, we consider the Word of God as the "sword" that the Lord uses to change our hearts.

  • December 19, 2010.THE HEALING OF A HEART Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    We continue to consider the significance of the birth of Christ in regard to the desires of our hearts, this time, by focussing on Mary, the mother of Jesus.

  • December 12, 2010.THE BEGINNING OF HEALINGS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    HEARTS DESIRE all kinds of things, but not all of them are good things. Our study continues as we consider Christ as "the tree of life."

  • December 5, 2010.THE END OF HUNGER Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first of four December sermons on the subject of Christ as the ultimate desire of the human heart. This morning we consider the words of Christ recorded in John 6:35. "I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger..."

  • November 28, 2010.GUEST SPEAKER, BILL LOBBEZOO Listen

    Bill Lobbezoo - September 01, 2014

    Our special guest this morning is Bill Lobbezoo, an "international worker" in Cambodia with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Bill speaks on his work in Cambodia and the work of Nehemiah in Nehemiah 1:1-2:20.

  • November 21, 2010.THE SAME AUTHORITY Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The 4th and final sermon in the series "The Same Always," looking at the unchanging authority of Jesus.

  • November 14, 2010.THE SAME FAITHFULNESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In this third part of our series on the non-changing character of Christ, we look at his faithfulness.

  • November 7, 2010.THE SAME SYMPATHY Listen

    Chris Postma - September 01, 2014

    Today Chris Postma will lead us in the second of our 4-Sunday series of sermons based on Herbrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ is the same yesturday, today and forever." This morning:'s sermon comes from Hebrews 4: 14 - 5:2.

  • October 31, 2010.THE SAME ZEAL Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    We begin today a new 4-Sunday series of sermons based on Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" This morning's sermon: "The same zeal" from John 2: 12-17

  • October 17, 2010.TO LIVE = CHRIST Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Pastor Wilkins is home (early) from the Men`s weekend to give us the morning sermon, as summary of the weekend`s theme, and an explination of the apostle`s famous phrase `` To me to live is Christ``

  • October 10 2010.THE OPPOSITE OF FORGETTING Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Psalm 50 is a serious psalm about the serious business of giving thanks to God, and two other actions to which he calls us as his people.
  • October 3, 2010.FIRST LOVE ON PURPOSE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The 4th in the series about loving Jesus Christ as our "first love" looks at the call upon us to love "the interests of Christ," which means loving the work that he intends his church to do in the world --- and the part that each of us as a follower of Christ is to take.
  • September 26, 2010.SECOND LOVES Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    One essential way to demonstrate our supreme love for Christ is to love the people who, unexpectedly, or routinely are near to us.
  • September 19 2010.FIRST LOVE INSIDE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Loving Christ "first," that is, loving Christ supremely has big implications regarding the "interior life" of the follower of Christ.
  • September 12, 2010.FIRST LOVE Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    A new four-week study begins. The subject is loving Jesus Christ "preeminently," as clearly we are called to in the commandment to "love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength." The question is, "Practically speaking, how can we begin to do that?"
  • September 5, 2010.SPEAK OF THE DEVIL Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The apostle wraps up his letter to the "elect exiles" by warning them about their "prowling, roaring, devouring" enemy.
  • August 29, 2010.WHAT LEADERS HOPE FOR, PART 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The apostle Peter turns his attention from the leaders of the church to the people they are leading and calls them (and us all) to be clothed with humility.
  • August 22, 2010.WHAT LEADERS HOPE FOR, PART 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    In what looks a little like an afterthought, the apostle Peter turns his attention to the elders among the "elect exiles" and gives specific instructions about how and why to exercise spiritual oversight.
  • August 15, 2010.WHAT SUFFERING HOPES FOR, PART 2 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The apostle Peter rounds off his call to keep hopeful while suffering "for righteousness' sake" with a call to "entrust our souls to our faithful Creator."
  • August 8, 2010.WHAT SUFFERING HOPES FOR, PART 1 Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Here at the heart of his letter, Peter takes on the difficult subject of how to prepare for, and endure, "suffering for rightesousness' sake" --- and also the subject of what Noah's Ark has to do with it!
  • Jul 25, 2010. WHAT MUTUAL SUBJECTION HOPES FOR, 2 Listen

    Chris Postma - September 01, 2014

    Chris Postma presents the second of two studies on the call for "subjection" or "submission" in marriage, according to the apostle Peter.
  • July 18, 2010. WHAT MUTUAL SUBJECTION HOPES FOR, 1 Listen

    Chris Postma - September 01, 2014

    Chris Postma presents the first of two studies on the call for "subjection" or "submission" in marriage, according to the apostle Peter.
  • July 11, 2010.WHAT SUBJECTION HOPES FOR Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The emperor was a very bad man named Nero Caesar ... and the apostle Peter called the "elect exiles" to honor him. And what was Peter thinking? He was thinking of the great use God can make of such excellent behaviour.
  • July 4, 2010.THE HOUSE OF HOLINESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The intention of God in empowering us to "love one another earnestly" is to build us up as a spiritual house in order to be a holy, royal priesthood. What that means is that our connection to one another as members of an actual church is of great significance!
  • June 27, 2010.THE LOVE OF HOLINESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    It's not overstating the case to say that we've been brought into relationship to Christ, and called to holiness, specifically so that we can "love one another from the heart."
  • June 20, 2010.THE JOY OF HOLINESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Along with the seriousness and the "fearfulness" Peter calls for, there is an expectation that the people who believe in Jesus will be people of joy: inexpressible joy that is full of glory!
  • June 13, 2010.THE FEAR OF HOLINESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    For some people, becoming "too holy" is something to be afraid of. The apostle Peter takes the opposite view, that the people of Christ ought to be afraid of NOT becoming increasingly holy! (This is Part 2 of the 3 Sundays we look at the first 21 verses of Peter's letter to the "elect exiles.")
  • June 6, 2010.THE HOPE OF HOLINESS Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first sermon of "Holy Hopes," our summer Sunday series based on 1 Peter and focusing on the high calling of God to a life of holiness.
  • May 30, 2010 Baptisms - Part 1 View

    September 01, 2014

    13 baptisms took place at WLA on May 30, 2010.
  • May 30, 2010 Baptisms - Part 2 View

    September 01, 2014

    13 baptisms took place at WLA on May 30, 2010.
  • April 2, 2010.Christ and the Passover Listen

    Ron Grossman - September 01, 2014

    Guest speaker Ron Grossman presents a look at the connection between the Old Testament celebration of the Passover and the New Testament ordinance of "Communion."
  • May 23, 2010.A MIND OF DIRT Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Paul instructs the Christians in the churches of Galatia about making the right choice about the thoughts that come to our minds.
  • May 16, 2010.SOME SORT OF BOWL Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Paul the apostle's call to Timothy to personal holiness as a means of becoming "useful to the Master, ready for every good work." This very brief sermon is a Post Script to the "Time to Sow" series.

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Part 2 of the 3rd sermon of a three-week series on 2 Corinthians 9, focusing on the Lord's love for a "hilariously happy sower."

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Part 1 of the 3rd sermon of a three-week series on 2 Corinthians 9, focusing on the Lord's love for a "hilariously happy sower."
  • April 25, 2010.SPARINGLY OR BOUNTIFULLY Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Time to Sow, #2 looks at a powerful and exciting detail about the biblical concept of sowing and reaping a harvest with the gifts that God has given us. The point is this: if we want to reap bountifully, we need to sow bountifully.
  • April 18, 2010.SUPPLYING OR MULTIPLYING Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first of a three-week series of studies of 2 Corinthians 9 and the principle of sowing and reaping "a harvest of righteousness."
  • April 11, 2010: Liberty in the Land Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    We come to the conclusion of our series on the Ten Commandments with a look at the commandment against coveting --- and with it the implied commandment to be content (for now) with all of our circumstances.
  • April 4, 2010: Easter Sunday. Hard to Believe Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first disciples found it hard to believe (at first) that Jesus had really risen from the dead. But in time they came to believe it with all their hearts. And so must we!
  • March 28, 2010: (7) Reasons to Believe Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The crowds celebrated the entry of Christ into Jerusalem on the day we mark as "Palm Sunday" because they thought he was the king, sent by God. Pastor Wilkins presents seven of the personal reasons he believes that they were right to think so.
  • March 14, 2010: A Good Name in the Land Listen

    Chris Postma - September 01, 2014

    The ninth commandment forbids lying, it also teaches us about the serious importance of a good reputation
  • March 7, 2010: The Stuff of Life in the Land Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The 8th Commandment forbids stealing and the New Testament upgrades it to a commandment to work hard so that we "might have something to share with the one who has a need."
  • February 28, 2010: "In Love" in the Land Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    Our study of "Liberty for Life" continues as we look at the 7th commandment on the subject of adultery.
  • February 14, 2010: Life in the Land Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The sixth commandment forbids murder, but the New Testament intensifies this moral obligation by transforming it positively. NOTE: This sermon is introduced through a five minute sketch featuring two sisters named "Emmy" and "Mona" (from last Christmas's production "Noel and his Sisters") as portrayed by Angela Matches and Barbara Postma.
  • February 7, 2010: Long in the Land Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first of the six commandments (of the Ten) that pertain to people focus our attention on our parents.
  • January 31 2010: Why So Serious Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The fourth of the ten commandments calls the people of God to remember the Sabbath and to keep it holy. In the experience of Israel, it turned out to be a serious matter of life and death.
  • January 24, 2010: God in All Listen

    Chris Postma - September 01, 2014

    The third commandment forbids our taking of the Lord's name in vain. Chris Postma explains that this must be understood to pertain to far more than a matter of godly speech.
  • January 17, 2010: God in Truth Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The second of the ten commandments forbids the use of images and likenesses in worship and so frees us up to worship the one true God.
  • January 10, 2010: God in Front Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    The first commandment forbids "any other gods" between us and the Lord our God. This is the commandment upon which the other nine are based.
  • January 3, 2010: Laws You Could Love Listen

    Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014

    A new series of Sunday sermons on the Ten Commandments begins with a consideration of the biblical way of looking at the Law.