Today Chris Postma will lead us in the second of our 4-Sunday series of sermons based on Herbrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ is the same yesturday, today and forever." This morning:'s sermon comes from Hebrews 4: 14 - 5:2.
Mike Wilkins - December 16, 2012
Nate Wright - December 09, 2012
Today we conclude our 12 week series by looking at Paul’s answers to several questions which are crucial to a believers understanding of how the gospel applies to their lives and how it ought to be proclaimed.
Mike Wilkins - November 25, 2012
Mike Wilkins - November 18, 2012
Mike Wilkins - November 11, 2012
As we worship God this morning, we honour the sacrificial service of the men and women who served God and country in times of war. And we thank God for them.
Nate Wright - November 04, 2012
Mike Wilkins - October 28, 2012
This morning, [Mike Wilkins preaching] we examine the 2nd half of Romans 5, in which Paul highlights another amazing aspect of the gospel by comparing and contrasting the impact on the human race of Adam, the first man, and Christ, the last Adam.
Mag's Magwood - October 21, 2012
Nate Wright - October 14, 2012
Our study of the book of Romans continues with the apostle Paul’s call to avoid becoming “conformed to the world” by being instead transformed --- in a particular way.
Mike Wilkins - October 07, 2012
Mike Wilkins - September 30, 2012
Our study of the book of Romans continues, as we work to get the gospel clear in our heads and clear out of our mouths in anticipation of opportunities to talk to our friends about our great God: opportunities that we hope the Lord will empower us to create.
Nate Wright - September 23, 2012
Mike Wilkins - September 16, 2012
Mike Wilkins - September 09, 2012
Mike Wilkins - September 02, 2012
One last time this summer, we look at the Letter of Jude, this time with the question of what hope we have of becoming genuine contenders of the faith.
Mike Wilkins - August 26, 2012
“Jude” explains that God’s people need to “contend for the faith” because of the serious danger of “ungodliness.” The obvious starting point is “godliness,” which we once again consider this morning as our study continues. Today’s question: What does this have to do with the people in our lives?
Mike Wilkins - August 19, 2012
The letter of Jude addresses the issue of contending for the faith, that is, contending against the "ungodly people" who pose such danger to the people of God. This morning we consider the meaning of godliness: the primary means by which we are to oppose the ungodly.
Nate Wright - August 12, 2012
Continuing the series “Always be Ready” we continue to learn what it means to proclaim the gospel by defending our faith. This morning we look at the question: “If God is good, why is there so much suffering?” How can we explain our belief in a good and loving God in a world so full of evil?
Nate Wright - August 05, 2012
Mike Wilkins - July 28, 2012
Pastor Wilkins takes the second step in a five-sermon series based on the letter to Jude, and with it issues the second challenge of the West London summer.
Nate Wright - July 15, 2012
Peter commands us to "always be prepared to give a defense" for our faith. How can we be ready? How do we measure whether or not we are prepared? And how do we defend objective truth in a culture that deifies subjectivity and tolerance of conflicting worldviews? This morning we deal with the issue of the Bible. Is the Bible a book written by God for men or a book written by men about God? How do we, as Christians, defend the Word of God as authoritative and authentic to a culture that regards it as mythology or bent history?
Nate Wright - July 08, 2012
Peter commands us to "always be prepared to give a defense" for our faith. How can we be ready? How do we measure whether or not we are prepared? And how do we defend objective truth in a culture that deifies subjectivity and tolerance of conflicting worldviews?
Mike Wilkins - July 01, 2012
Mike Wilkins - June 17, 2012
Without a doubt, the cost of being in on the amazing grace of God is high, but the rewards are very very good! How could they not be? It is the Lord Jesus himself giving them out.
Mike Wilkins - June 10, 2012
Nate Wright - June 03, 2012
Nate Wright - May 27, 2012
In a world that grows busier and more demanding with each passing day, today we are reminded that we serve a savior who will only hold one place in our lives: the first. ( our 10-week sermon series on Matthew 10 continues)
Nate Wright - May 20, 2012
Mike Wilkins - May 13, 2012
Mike Wilkins - May 06, 2012
Mike Wilkins - April 29, 2012
Nate Wright - April 22, 2012
Mike Wilkins - April 15, 2012
Mike Wilkins - April 08, 2012
Mike Wilkins - April 06, 2012
Have you noticed that sometimes, even in ordinary lives like yours and mine, just when things seem most out of control, we are able to see that actually every detail has been scripted? How much more can this be seen to be true in the life of "the ultimate human being," Jesus Christ? The details of the day we call Good Friday are the best example.
Nate Wright - April 01, 2012
Mike Wilkins - March 25, 2012
The Cost of GRACE, Part 1
This morning we begin a 3-Sunday (and one Friday) series of sermons in preperation for Easter, by considering the Gospel account(s) of the Transfiguration of Christ.
Mike Wilkins - March 11, 2012
Nate Wright - March 04, 2012
In his introduction to the "Sermon on the Mount" Jesus declares that it is "the peacemakers" who are blessed and that it is they who shall be called the children of God.
Mike Wilkins - February 26, 2012
In starting his “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus declares that it is “the pure in heart” who are blessed and that it is they who shall see God. Our Sunday morning study of the Beatitudes continues.
Mike Wilkins - February 19, 2012
Nate Wright - February 12, 2012
Are you a genuine disciple of Christ? This morning we look at another marker of genuine discipleship and what it has to do with our longings. What does your heart actually long for? What is it that you need emotionally, spiritually and intellectually like the body needs food and drink? Jesus says that his true followers Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness, and that only they will be filled.
Nate Wtight - February 05, 2012
Nate Wright - January 22, 2012
Are you a genuine disciple of Christ? This morning we look at the second marker of genuine discipleship. What does Jesus mean when he calls those who mourn blessed? What are we to mourn over, and what ought to bring us to joy? The true joy that Jesus offers is birthed out of a conviction of sin. Only those who mourn can be comforted with what brings lasting joy.
Nate Wright - January 15, 2012
Nate Wright - January 08, 2012
Nate Wright - January 01, 2012
Nate Wright - December 25, 2011
Nate Wright - December 18, 2011
Mike Wilkins - December 11, 2011
Mike Wilkins - December 04, 2011
Mike Wilkins - November 20, 2011
Nate Wright - November 13, 2011
Mike Wilkins - November 06, 2011
Mike Wilkins - October 30, 2011
Nate Wright - October 23, 2011
Mike Wilkins - October 16, 2011
Mike Wilkins - October 09, 2011
Nathanael Wright - October 02, 2011
Mike Wilkins - September 25, 2011
Mike Wilkins - September 18, 2011
Mike Wilkins - September 11, 2011
Mike Wilkins - September 04, 2011
Mike Wilkins - August 21, 2011
Mike Wilkins - August 07, 2011
Mike Wilkins - July 03, 2011
Mike Wilkins - June 26, 2011
Mike Wilkins - June 19, 2011
Mike Wilkins - June 12, 2011
Mike Wilkins - June 05, 2011
Mike Wilkins - May 22, 2011
April 14, 2011
Chad Louwerse - March 21, 2010
Mike Wilkins - December 27, 2009
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
“Grace, peace, freedom, life”… The good news from the apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans sounds very very good. And it is! But that’s not to say that God’s people don’t suffer. And Romans 8 is very plain about that!
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Rob Bell - September 01, 2014
Chis Postma - September 01, 2014
Ron Standish - September 01, 2014
Today Ron Standish Speaks from Ephesians 2:4
Paul’s letter to the Ephesians reminds us how great the love of God is towards us and how we in response ought to love and honour our Saviour and love those around us.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
In the final vision of the Revelation, Jesus is revealed as the husband of the church, the bride that comes down from heaven.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Revelation 20 provides us with three new visions, all of them explaining the unique and absolute authority of Christ.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
As the "drama set on earth" continues, Jesus is revealed as the conqueror on the a white horse, with his sword proceeding from his mouth.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
A "drama set on earth" begins as we see Jesus as the Lamb (from the 1st drama) not standing on Mount Zion, but also as "one like a son of man" seated on a white cloud, with something new in his hand.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
In between the "drama" of Chapters 4-11 and the "drama" of Chapters 13-18 is a brief "half-time presentation" that we call Chapter 12... in four parts.
Lyall Mix - September 01, 2014
Associate Pastor Lyall Mix preaches a message based on the life of King Saul.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
The Lamb breaks the 7th seal and reveals 7 angels with 7 trumpets --- and himself as the One in sovereign control of all his and all our enemies.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
The "Lamb of God" continues to be revealed in his glory as the seals of the scroll are opened, one at a time.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
John's second revelation of Jesus is as "a Lamb, standing as if slain" before the throne of God --- and worthy to do the urgent and important thing that no other person in heaven or on earth was able to do.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
In this third study of "The Revelation of Jesus Christ," we see Jesus in his glory --- and in his relationship to seven of his churches.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
As the sequel to last week's introduction to this study of the Book of Revelation, we take an overview of the entire book by considering "seven debatable details."
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Three answers to the question of why to study such a controversial and difficult book of the Bible this year, with three actions to which this study calls us.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
In this 4th look at the desires of the heart and their relationship to the coming of Christ into the world, we consider the Word of God as the "sword" that the Lord uses to change our hearts.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
We continue to consider the significance of the birth of Christ in regard to the desires of our hearts, this time, by focussing on Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
HEARTS DESIRE all kinds of things, but not all of them are good things. Our study continues as we consider Christ as "the tree of life."
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
The first of four December sermons on the subject of Christ as the ultimate desire of the human heart. This morning we consider the words of Christ recorded in John 6:35. "I am the bread of life; he who comes to me shall not hunger..."
Bill Lobbezoo - September 01, 2014
Our special guest this morning is Bill Lobbezoo, an "international worker" in Cambodia with the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Bill speaks on his work in Cambodia and the work of Nehemiah in Nehemiah 1:1-2:20.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
The 4th and final sermon in the series "The Same Always," looking at the unchanging authority of Jesus.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
In this third part of our series on the non-changing character of Christ, we look at his faithfulness.
Chris Postma - September 01, 2014
Today Chris Postma will lead us in the second of our 4-Sunday series of sermons based on Herbrews 13:8. "Jesus Christ is the same yesturday, today and forever." This morning:'s sermon comes from Hebrews 4: 14 - 5:2.
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
We begin today a new 4-Sunday series of sermons based on Hebrews 13:8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever" This morning's sermon: "The same zeal" from John 2: 12-17
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Pastor Wilkins is home (early) from the Men`s weekend to give us the morning sermon, as summary of the weekend`s theme, and an explination of the apostle`s famous phrase `` To me to live is Christ``
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Chris Postma - September 01, 2014
Chris Postma - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
September 01, 2014
September 01, 2014
Ron Grossman - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Chris Postma - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Chris Postma - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2014