This morning, Pastor Mike Wilkins preaches a practical summary of our "Stronger Together" series from a text in the Psalms. "Integrity, Competence and Two More" Psalm 78:72
Jude St. John - December 28, 2014
Jude St. John and Mike Wilkins - December 24, 2014
Mike Wilkins - December 21, 2014
Jude St. John - December 14, 2014
Mike Wilkins - December 07, 2014
Rob Magwood - November 30, 2014
Jude St. John - November 23, 2014
Jude St. John - November 16, 2014
Mike Wilkins - November 09, 2014
Mike Wilkins - November 02, 2014
Jude St. John - October 26, 2014
Jude St. John - October 19, 2014
Mike wilkins - October 12, 2014
Mike Wilkins - October 05, 2014
Graham Buchanan - September 28, 2014
Lyall Mix - September 21, 2014
This morning Pastor Lyall continues with the second of three consecutive Sundays in which we look at our six word Statement of Intention [Making Known the Greatness of God]. Today he will be speaking on "By The Love We Show".
Mike Wilkins - September 14, 2014
September 04, 2014
Graham Buchanan - September 02, 2014
This morning, Graham Buchanan, our Director of Community Connections preaches from Luke 10:25-37 on the theme of "being a good neighbour".
Jude St. John - September 02, 2014
The fourth installment of the Joshua sermon series looks at the theme of Renewal. Two episodes of renewal occur in the book of Joshua: chapters 5 and 24. In considering these occurrences of renewal, we will have a special focus on how they apply to fathers in this Father's Day sermon.
Jude St, John - September 02, 2014
Today's stand alone sermon is entitled Work in Christ and considers Colossians 3:22 - 4:1. Paul describes principles of work which instruct us in our vocations.
Mike Wilkins - August 31, 2014
Graham Buchanan - August 24, 2014
Jude St. John - August 17, 2014
This tenth and final sermon in the Joshua series will cover the final three chapters of the book of Joshua. The refrain of these chapters, and one could argue the refrain of this entire book, is "Remain faithful to God, for God is faithful to you!" We will consider our own faithfulness in light of the overwhelming and undeserved faithfulness of God to us as seen in the work and person of Jesus Christ. (Joshua 22 - 24)
Jude St. John - August 10, 2014
This week's sermon, the ninth in our series on the book of Joshua, considers the inheritance of Israel as indicated by God's promise of a land for His chosen people. We too are people of promise, and these chapters point to the trustworthiness of the Promise-giver and our need for faith in His promises. (Joshua 13 - 21)
Rob “Mags” Magwood - August 03, 2014
Sermon: (Rob “Mags” Magwood) “Round Two”: The Generosity Factor Whether we deserve it or not, modern day Christ-followers are often misunderstood. As we respond, there are many things to consider. In a follow-up to Graham’s message on Jesus’ parable of the “Good Samaritan”, today we’ll look at the Generosity Factor. (Luke 10:25-37).
Lyall Mix - July 27, 2014
Dave De Smit - July 20, 2014
This week’s sermon considers Joshua’s great prayer of expectation in which he requests that the Lord make the “sun stand still” in order to prolong the day and achieve a great victory over their enemies. From this narrative we see the power of God working to do the ‘seemingly impossible’ through faithful, expectant prayer, and we will be challenged in how we might approach the Lord in our own prayer lives.
Jude St. John - July 13, 2014
Jude St. John - July 06, 2014
The well known story of Joshua's conquering of Jericho is the subject of this week's sermon. From the sixth chapter of Joshua we consider God's involvement in the conquering of Cannan that begins with the city of Jericho.
Jude St. John - June 29, 2014
In this fifth sermon in the Joshua series, we return to the Israelites on the banks of the Jordan River. Chapters 4 and 5, the passages for today, describe the river crossing and focus on the goodness and might of God.
Jude St. John - June 08, 2014
Our third installment of the Joshua sermon series looks at the story of Rahab. The story is found in Joshua 2:1-24 and at the center of this narrative is the confession Rahab makes about who God is and what He has done.
Jude St. John - June 01, 2014
Joshua's Charge is the title of today's sermon, the second in the Joshua series. In the first chapter of Joshua the Lord charges Joshua to be strong and courageous. We consider three themes from God's exhortation to Joshua and identify how we can see Jesus in those themes.
Jude St. John - May 25, 2014
Today we begin a sermon series on the book of Joshua with a sermon entitled Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament. Though the series will be based on the book of Joshua, today's passage from Luke 24:25-26 prepares us for seeing our Saviour in this epic Old Testament book.
Jude St. John - May 11, 2014
Jude St. John - April 27, 2014
Jude St. John - April 13, 2014
Sermon: Grave Expectations Matthew 21: 1 - 9 On this Palm Sunday we will look at Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem in our sermon entitled Grave Expectations. We will consider what the Jewish people were expecting, what Jesus himself was expecting, and what we might expect as we contemplate this "King of the Jews".
Mission Peru Team Members - April 06, 2014
Jude St. John - March 30, 2014
Jude St. John - March 23, 2014
We continue with the sixth sermon in the series WALKING WITH THE KING. Building on last week's sermon, Shadows, this week we will consider Colossians 3:1-4 in our sermon titled "Seeking Things Above".
Jude St. John - March 16, 2014
We continue with the fifth sermon in the series WALKING WITH THE KING. Building on last week's sermon, The Gospel, this week we will consider Colossians 2:16-23 in our sermon titled "Shadows".
Jude St. John - March 09, 2014
We continue with the fourth sermon in the series WALKING WITH THE KING. Building on last week's sermon, Fullness, this week we will consider Colossians 2:13 -15 in our sermon titled "The Gospel".
Jude St. John - March 02, 2014
Jude St. John - February 23, 2014
We continue with the second sermon in the series WALKING WITH THE KING. Building on last week's sermon, Simple Faith, this week we will consider Colossians 2:6-7 in our sermon titled "In Him".
Jude St. John - February 16, 2014
Scott Forbes - February 09, 2014
Mike Wilkins - February 02, 2014
Jude St. John - January 26, 2014
Colossians 1:20-23. An unexpected ingredient of a worthy walk is to persevere. Paul encourages the Colossians, and us, to continue in the faith.
Mike Wilkins - January 19, 2014
What does it take to "live a life worthy of the Lord"? Among other things, according to the apostle Paul, it takes a very high view of Christ himself!
Jude St. John - January 12, 2014
To acknowledge Christ as your own king is loaded with personal implications. This week we see that walking in a manner worthy of the Lord is one of those personal implications and that a worthy walk comes as we read and apply God's Word.
Mike Wilkins - January 05, 2014
It's one (right) thing to acknowledge that Christ is King over all things, but to acknowledge him as your own king is loaded with personal implications. A new 5-week series begins today.
Jude St John - December 29, 2013
On this last Sunday of 2013, we will look at the "sacrament" of communion and consider how it helps us to look back on the past year and look forward to the coming year.
Mike Wilkins - December 22, 2013
Our pre-Christmas focus on Christ as "The King of Christmas" concludes today by returning to the words with which the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she was to bear a child and "that he would be great."
Jude St John - December 15, 2013
Mike Wilkins - December 08, 2013
In this 3rd sermon on the Trinity, we look at some of the ways in which our relationship with God is affected by knowing "God in Three Persons".
Mike Wilkins - December 08, 2013
We continue our celebration of the birth of Christ, our great king, with the second of four sermons on the amazing truth that Christ is not only the ULTIMATE SOLUTION to our GREATEST PROBLEM but also the ULTIMATE SOURCE of our GREATEST PRIVILEGES.
Jude St John - December 01, 2013
Jude St. John - November 17, 2013
This week we continue with the second sermon in our series entitled The Trinity.
Jude St. John - November 10, 2013
This week we will begin a three week series entitled The Trinity. This week's sermon, "The Reality", will consider the Scriptural evidence for the Trinity and the importance of a proper understanding of this foundational doctrine.
Catherine Bond-Mills - November 09, 2013
Gerald Hayes - November 03, 2013
Our own Gerald Hayes, former Canadian TWR Director, presents its worldwide work -- and introduces us to an Iranian family who were impacted by the gospel through TWR's work. We will be collecting an offering at the conclusion of both services for the important work of TWR.
Mike Wilkins - October 27, 2013
This morning, Pastor Mike Wilkins preaches a practical summary of our "Stronger Together" series from a text in the Psalms. "Integrity, Competence and Two More" Psalm 78:72
Jude St. John - October 20, 2013
Lyall Mix - October 13, 2013
This Thanksgiving sermon focuses on how to nurture a thankful heart when life's difficulties come upon us.
Jude St. John - October 06, 2013
Jude St. John - September 29, 2013
Jude St. John - September 22, 2013
Jude St. John - September 15, 2013
Vera Kuranji - September 13, 2013
Mike Wilkins - September 01, 2013
Our summer-long sermon series, "Strong in the Lord" concludes today as Pastor Mike Wilkins preaches from Ephesians 6:18.
Jude St. John - August 25, 2013
Our Strong in the Lord series, based on Ephesians 6, continues this week as Apprentice Pastor Jude St. John leads us in a consideration of the sixth and final piece of "the whole armour of God": the Sword of the Spirit.
Jude St. John - August 18, 2013
Ron Standish - August 04, 2013
Nate Wright - July 28, 2013
Our Strong in the Lord series, based on Ephesians 6, continues this week as we consider the second piece of God's armour: the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Jude St. John - July 21, 2013
Our Strong in the Lord series, based on Ephesians 6, continues this week as we consider the first piece of God's armour; the Belt of Truth. We will look into what it means to "fasten on the belt of truth."
Nate Wright - July 14, 2013
This morning we continue our series based on Ephesians 6, entitled: Strong in the Lord. We will be studying what it really means to "put on the full armor of God" so that we can live empowered lives of obedience to Christ
Nate Wright - July 07, 2013
Nate Wright - June 30, 2013
Today we begin a new series.
Strong in the Lord: Studies of the "armour of God" --- in which we see how exactly to gain from God the courage to dare to live the life of a good and faithful servant of Christ.
Bill Lobbezoo - June 23, 2013
This morning’s sermon, “Why Me?” is preached by Bill Lobbezoo, one of our Alliance International Workers in Cambodia.
Jude St. John - June 16, 2013
This morning’s Father’s Day sermon will be preached by Jude St. John, who, as announced last Sunday, will serve as our next Apprentice Pastor beginning August 1. (If you missed the announcement, you can find it as an insert in this bulletin.) The opening ten minutes of today's audio sermon file also includes an update for Steve and Pam Wise on their continuing work in the mission field.
Nate Wright - June 09, 2013
JUST DARE! We conclude our series on courage with a look at the second half of Daniel 7 and the interpretation of Daniel’s first beastly dream.
Mike Wilkins - June 09, 2013
Mike Wilkins - May 26, 2013
JUST DARE! We enter the final chapter of our series on Daniel 1-7 and consider a vision of things to come that Daniel himself dreamed.
Nate Wright - May 19, 2013
JUST DARE,” our current sermon series from the Book of Daniel continues today as Nate Wright takes us to the lions’ den!
Mike Wilkins - May 12, 2013
On this Mother’s Day, we look into God’s Word to see what we need to be and to do, as our mother’s child, according to God.
Nate Wright - May 05, 2013
Mike Wilkins - April 28, 2013
Nate Wright - April 24, 2013
Mike Wilkins - April 21, 2013
Mike Wilkins - April 07, 2013
Mike Wilkins - March 31, 2013
GOD & THE SERVANT #6 The "Easter Sunday conclusion" of this month-long series on the Servant Songs from the Book of Isaiah.
Mike Wilkins - March 24, 2013
Nate Wright - March 17, 2013
Mike Wilkins - March 10, 2013
GOD & THE SERVANT A month-long study of "The Servant Songs" (Isaiah 42-53), in which through the prophet Isaiah, God makes very clear the greatness of the work and the character of the Coming One.
Mike Wilkins - March 03, 2013
David Hearn - February 24, 2013
It is our honour and pleasure to welcome newly elected Alliance President David Hearn to our pulpit. Dave is a practical and powerful preacher with a compelling vision for our denomination.
Nate Wright - February 17, 2013
"God and the Greats" looks at the greatness of God compared to the world's "great ones." From the book of Isaiah.
Mike Wilkins - February 10, 2013
Mike Wilkins - February 10, 2013
Mike Wilkins - February 03, 2013
James Collidge - January 27, 2013
Mike Wilkins - January 20, 2013
In “God & the Greats,” we let Isaiah the prophet show us the greatness of our God as compared to the “great ones” of the world in his, and our, day.
Nate Wright - January 13, 2013
The great God we behold and come to believe in sometimes calls us to wait: to believe in the power and wisdom and love of God, and to wait upon him.
Mike Wilkins - January 06, 2013