This week’s psalm considers God’s work of conquest as he led Israel into the Promised Land and how this psalm is fulfilled in Jesus.
Jude St. John - March 09, 2025
In today's passage the Holy Spirit resolves a conflict within the church through the leaders and congregation. This preserves unity for the sake of God's mission.
Barry Usher - March 02, 2025
God’s unmatchable power sustains His people through opposition, empowering them to respond with steadfast obedience, bold proclamation of the gospel, and joyful endurance for the sake of Christ.
Rob Bell - February 23, 2025
In this week's sermon, we examine the story of Ananias and Sapphira and learn that God is serious about the unity and purity of his church.
Barry Usher - February 16, 2025
In all circumstances, God's people are sustained and empowered through prayer, which expresses our unwavering commitment to Christ, confidence in God's sovereignty, and courage in our calling to proclaim the gospel. As we seek Him in prayer, He fills us with His Spirit, enabling us to remain bold and faithful in our witness.
Jude St. John - February 09, 2025
This week we look at the Jewish leaders' response to Peter's explanation of what has transpired in the healing of the man lame from birth.
Jude St. John - February 02, 2025
This week we consider how the healing of a man born lame in the name of Jesus portrays the salvation that Jesus brings.
Barry Usher - January 26, 2025
Acts 2:42-47 shows the early church, birthed by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, as devoted to God’s Word, God’s people, God’s worship, and God’s mission, serving as a model for believers today.
Barry Usher - January 19, 2025
Peter’s sermon at Pentecost reveals the identity of God’s Spirit-filled people as His New Covenant community—recipients of the gospel of Jesus Christ, formed through the Holy Spirit’s transformative work of conviction and conversion, and empowered to boldly declare their new allegiance to the Kingdom of God.
Barry UsherBarry Usher - January 19, 2025
Peter’s sermon at Pentecost reveals the identity of God’s Spirit-filled people as His New Covenant community—recipients of the gospel of Jesus Christ, formed through the Holy Spirit’s transformative work of conviction and conversion, and empowered to boldly declare their new allegiance to the Kingdom of God.
Jude St. John - January 12, 2025
This week we consider the Spirit filling the disciples and the disciples speaking in tongues.
Jude St. John - January 12, 2025
This week we consider the Spirit filling the disciples and the disciples speaking in tongues.
Jude St. John - January 05, 2025
The beginning of the book of Acts considers the resurrected and ascended Jesus whose promises prepare his people for mission.
Jude St. John - December 29, 2024
This week, as we begin our sermon series through the Book of Acts, we will consider the main idea and themes that comprise this historical account following the ascension of Jesus.
Jude St. John - December 22, 2024
This week we consider how the coming of Jesus, God With Us, was the coming of the love of God for his people.
Barry Usher - December 15, 2024
At Advent, believers remember that the source of their joy is God's saving work accomplished by Jesus, the Messiah, whose everlasting reign assures us that our joy will never cease.
Jude St. John - December 08, 2024
This second sermon in our Advent series considers how the arrival of Jesus was the arrival of peace.
Jude St. John - December 01, 2024
Our first Advent sermon focuses on Isaiah 11:1-10 and how the arrival of Jesus was the arrival of hope for God's people.
Jude St. John - November 24, 2024
The final sermon in our series on the Book of Joel considers the Lord who makes promises and fulfills those promises through judgment and salvation.
Barry Usher - November 17, 2024
Believers are called to readiness, repentance, and hope in God's promise of restoration, standing in awe of His power, relying on Christ as our mediator, and living in worshipful anticipation of the day of the Lord.
Barry Usher - November 10, 2024
The main idea of Joel 1 is that God, in His sovereign rule over creation, uses even natural disasters to confront His people with the depth of their sin and the resulting barren spiritual condition it leaves. He calls them to genuine repentance and offers a merciful opportunity for restoration in relationship with Him before greater judgment arrives.
Ron Standish - November 03, 2024
God puts a lot of emphasis on how we use our money and possessions for this is a very practical way for us to examine our hearts towards our Lord.
Jude St. John - October 27, 2024
This week we look at the last chapter of Habakkuk and consider the prophet’s vision of the Lord who comes in glory and wrath.
Jude St. John - October 20, 2024
The Book of Habakkuk calls God’s people to live by faith, trusting that God is actively working to fulfill his righteous plan. This week's passage shows us that God does this through judgment.
Barry Usher - October 16, 2024
Even when the world seems to be crumbling around us, God’s people live by faith in Him, trusting that He is at work to bring about His righteous purpose and plan.
Barry Usher - October 06, 2024
Psalm 106 urges us to reflect on our own sin in light of Israel’s history of rebellion against God and to praise Him for His unending mercy and forgiveness, which restores us to a right relationship with Him.
September 30, 2024
This psalm again calls God's people to praise the Lord. The focus is on God's faithfulness to the covenant he made with Abraham, and through Abraham, all of God's people.
Jude St. John - September 22, 2024
Last week the psalm encouraged us to exhort ourselves to "Bless the Lord" because of his steadfast love. This week's psalm encourages us to do the same because of God's greatness in creating and sustaining the universe.
Jude St. John - September 15, 2024
This week we consider a psalm in which the psalmist exhorts himself to "bless the Lord" in response to who God is and what God has done.
Barry Usher - September 08, 2024
Psalm 102 is the prayer of a deeply afflicted man who turns to God alone for help and hope. This psalm teaches God’s people, especially in desperate circumstances, to pray with a Christ-centered confidence.
Jude St. John - September 01, 2024
This week we look at a psalm of David in which he expresses his desires to imitate God's righteous reign.
Jude St. John - August 25, 2024
Psalm 100 is a culminating psalm following the enthronement psalms we have looked at this summer. It calls God's people to praise because he is God and because he is good.
Jude St. John - August 18, 2024
This week we consider another enthronement psalm and the mantra "The Lord Reigns!" Psalm 99 is distinctive in how it addresses the holiness of God's reign.
Barry Usher - August 11, 2024
Psalm 98 is a triumphant song of praise that calls God's people to celebrate His mighty acts of salvation, recognize His sovereign reign as King, and anticipate His just and righteous judgment.
Barry Usher - August 04, 2024
Psalm 97 is a song of praise that declares God’s powerful reign as revealed through His law, His incomparable nature, and His people.
Jude St. John - July 28, 2024
This week's psalm encourages us to praise the Lord, proclaim the Lord, and prepare for the return of the Lord because he reigns as Creator, King, and Judge.
Jude St. John - July 21, 2024
In this week's psalm the psalmist admonishes us to joyfully worship God and to not harden our hearts.
Barry Usher - July 14, 2024
When God's people face evil and injustice in the world, Psalm 94 instructs us to cry out to God for justice, warn others of God’s judgment, rest in God's discipline, and trust in God’s help.
Jude St. John - July 07, 2024
This psalm considers the majestic, mighty, and relational reign of the Lord.
Jude St. John - June 30, 2024
Psalm 92 teaches us that God’s glorious work of destroying the wicked and prospering the righteous should elicit our praise.
Jude St. John - June 23, 2024
Barry Usher - June 16, 2024
Psalm 90 teaches us to live our finite lives in the awareness of God's eternal glory, to acknowledge the seriousness of our sin, and to call on Him for mercy and wisdom in all our endeavours.
Barry Usher - June 09, 2024
Psalm 89 provides a powerful example of how to sustain our faith when God’s promises feel distant, grounded in four great assurances of God's faithfulness.
Jude St. John - June 02, 2024
The first sermon in a summer series continuing in the Psalms.
Dave De Smit - May 26, 2024
A one-off sermon on John 2:13-22.
Nathan Dunmore - May 26, 2024
A one-off sermon on Colossians 3:12-17.
Jude St. John - May 19, 2024
This week we complete our sermon series considering the death of Saul and how that emphasizes the sovereignty of God.
Jude St. John - May 12, 2024
This week's chapter presents God as the One who preserves and protects and prospers his faithful ones. Further, this chapter portrays David as a faithful man; a man after God's own heart.
Barry Usher - May 05, 2024
In 1 Samuel 29, the accounts of David and Achish offer valuable insights into gaining wisdom through reflection on the believer's calling in Christ, the function of conscience, and God's gracious providence.
Jude St. John - April 28, 2024
King Saul continues his decline as he visits a medium. His decline, and the reason he visits the medium, is seen in God's silence in the face of his troubles.
Barry Usher - April 21, 2024
1 Samuel 27 reminds believers that, in our moments of despair, we need to anchor our trust in God's unchanging attributes, continue to mortify our sin in the power of the Holy Spirit, and persevere in our faith by clinging to Jesus.
Jude St. John - April 14, 2024
This week we continue to see that God prepare, preserves, and provides Israel's king.
Jude St. John - April 07, 2024
This chapter focuses on God's providential preparation of David to be the covenant king of Israel. God works through a wise, godly woman.
Jude St. John - March 31, 2024
This Easter Sunday we consider the Spirit's role in the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Jude St. John - March 28, 2024
A Maundy Thursday sermon.
Barry Usher - March 24, 2024
What was God the Father's role that first Easter? God the Father was at work fulfilling His promise to redeem His people from sin, bringing to fruition the events foretold by His prophets, revealing His love for us at the cross, and preparing His people for the day when we will be reunited with Him.
Jason Kovacs - March 17, 2024
A sermon about how Genesis 3 shows God's care for His people in the midst of their sin and suffering, and why counselling is integral to life in God's church.
Rick Walton - March 10, 2024
God is forging us into the image of Jesus.
Jude St. John - March 03, 2024
This chapter is another opportunity for the author of 1 Samuel to contrast David and Saul. One stark difference between the two is that the Lord helps David.
Jude St. John - February 25, 2024
This week's passage emphasizes the continuing degradation of King Saul and the godly, king-like virtue of David.
Jude St. John - February 18, 2024
This week we see how the Lord sovereignly preserves David as he becomes a permanent fugitive from Saul.
Jude St. John - February 11, 2024
This week we consider how God sovereignly reigns over the events of David's departure from Saul's Court.
Jude St. John - February 04, 2024
David escapes death four times and the author of 1 Samuel makes it clear that it is God who delivers them.
Lyall Mix - January 28, 2024
Today we will be looking at a moment in the life of Moses as God asks him to go back to Egypt.
Jude St. John - January 21, 2024
God continues to prosper David which results in both good and bad times for David.
Jude St. John - January 14, 2024
The beloved story of David and Goliath demonstrates the unrivaled supremacy of God and how he uses weakness to accomplish his purposes.
Jude St. John - January 07, 2024
Jude St. John - December 31, 2023
The difficulties encountered in this passage point us to the truth that God is to be obeyed and when we fall short of obedience, we should whole-heartedly repent.
Jude St. John - December 24, 2023
This Christmas Eve, as we gather for our Lord's Day gathering, we consider how Jesus' birth was the true light coming into the world.
Jon Magwood - December 17, 2023
This passage teaches us about making decisions by faith or other motivations through two leaders and their actions.
Jude St. John - December 10, 2023
This week's sermon considers the inadequacy and incapability of humanity.
Jude St. John - December 03, 2023
This week we consider Samuel's words and actions which propose a graceful God and the expected response of God's people to his grace.
Jude St. John - November 26, 2023
First Samuel 11 recounts God's salvation of His people. Just as God empowered Saul to achieve victory for the Israelites, He has provided Jesus as the ultimate means of our salvation.
Jude St. John - November 19, 2023
This week we consider the ascension of Israel's first king. The passage indicates that God delivers and establishes his people.
Jude St. John - November 12, 2023
This week we look at a passage that the author of 1 Samuel uses to compare and contrast Israel's soon-to-be-king and the Lord, their covenant king.
Jude St. John - November 05, 2023
This week we return to our sermon series through 1 Samuel. Today's passage covers Israel's request for a king and the responses of Samuel and God.
Ray Majoran - October 29, 2023
In this final sermon of our five-part series on Mission, we’ll explore our mission regarding the topic of mercy.
Rob Magwood - October 22, 2023
Today's message builds on the previous three messages about God's mission in the world, and our part in it. Today we will "zoom in" to consider how we might share in the Lord's work: Short-Term Missions.
Jude St. John - October 15, 2023
This week we consider a biblical, practical application of the mission of the church which has as its foundation the mission of God. Church planting is clearly a means, according to the Bible, of accomplishing the mission.
Jude St. John - October 08, 2023
Building on the Mission of God from last week, this Sunday we consider the mission of the church.
Jude St. John - October 01, 2023
This first sermon in our MISSION sermon series looks at the mission of God and how God's nature, God's purpose, and God's works inform his mission and ours.
September 26, 2023
Psalm 87 is a psalm extolling the excellencies of Zion, the city of God. Zion’s glory is that God is with his people.
Jude St. John - September 17, 2023
The psalmist in Psalm 86 praises God as the incomparable God over allother gods and laments the affliction he faces from enemies.
Jude St. John - September 10, 2023
This week's psalm is another psalm of lament that looks to God to restore and revive his people.
Jude St. John - September 03, 2023
This week we look at a psalm which extols the presence of God.
Jude St. John - August 27, 2023
This week's psalm is both a psalm of lament and a psalm of imprecation. We consider the psalm, consider how it directs our gaze to Christ, and how we might apply it.
Graham Buchanan - August 20, 2023
We continue in our series in Psalms looking at a call for judgement.
Rick Walton - August 13, 2023
Psalm 81 is a powerful call to listen and live for our great God, as we explore the impact of embracing God's formative work in our lives.
Jude St. John - August 06, 2023
This week we consider another lament as well as looking at what it means for God to let his face shine on us.
Jude St. John - July 30, 2023
This week we consider a lament by Asaph that ultimately pertains to the glory of God.
Jude St. John - July 23, 2023
This week we learn from Psalm 78 the importance of recalling and teaching the will and works of God to future generations.
Jude St. John - July 16, 2023
This week we see how godly lament help us navigate times of chaos and crisis.
Dave De Smit - July 09, 2023
Psalm 76 is a song of victory calling all people to fear our glorious and majestic God, whose power is unmatched and unparalleled.
Jude St. John - July 02, 2023
This week's psalm considers God as judge and God's judgment. In light of those things, it calls us to thanksgiving and praise.
Jude St. John - June 25, 2023
This week we see the Lord helping Israel after Israel repents and returns to him. The help of the Lord encourages us to repent, to pray, and to commemorate his goodness.
Ian Trigg - June 18, 2023
This week we endeavour to understand the heart of the Father through the heart of a father.
Jude St. John - June 11, 2023
This week's focus is on the return of the Ark of the Covenant to Israel and what the events teach us about God.
Jude St. John - June 04, 2023
This week we look at God's judgment against Israel as he uses the Philistines to defeat them in battle and take the ark.
Jude St. John - May 28, 2023
This week we consider the call of Samuel and how God established him as a prophet in Israel.
Rhys Plant - May 21, 2023
Genesis 3 gives the account of how sin enters God’s good creation, and of how God plans to redeem it all from sin.
Jude St. John - May 14, 2023
This week's passage contrasts the faithfulness of the family of Elkanah with the unfaithfulness of the family of Eli.
Jude St. John - May 07, 2023
Our sermon series in the Book of 1 Samuel begins with the incredible story of the birth of Samuel.
Jude St. John - April 30, 2023
The culminating sermon of our Hebrews series is a prolonged consideration of Jesus in the Book of Hebrews with emphasis on his actions, his death, and his names.
Jude St. John - April 23, 2023
In this second-to-last sermon in our Hebrews sermon series we consider the final request, final prayer, final exhortation, and final words of the author.
Jude St. John - April 16, 2023
This week we consider several admonitions from the author of Hebrews in regard to persevering; these are practices that help us to remain faithful.
Jude St. John - April 09, 2023
This week we consider the Easter story in a single verse from the Book of Hebrews.
Jude St. John - April 02, 2023
This week we consider practical exhortations of what it means to offer God acceptable worship.
Jude St. John - March 26, 2023
This week we look at how the author of Hebrews delivers the final warning to his readers and the response that is anticipated.
Jude St. John - March 19, 2023
The author of Hebrews has been encouraging believers to endure by faith. Today's passage contrasts what they do not endure for with what they do endure for.
Barry Usher - March 12, 2023
In this passage, believers are warned not to allow worldly priorities to distract them from their commitment to Christ, so that they may ultimately see God and rejoice in His presence for eternity.
Jude St. John - March 05, 2023
This week we consider the perspective of suffering as God's discipline put forth in the 12th chapter of Hebrews.
A. Craig Troxel - February 26, 2023
Corporis speaker and Westminster Seminary professor A. Craig Troxel will be preaching on the heart and condemnation.
Jude St. John - February 19, 2023
This week we consider Jesus as the example of enduring by faith and learn how he encourages and enables our endurance.
Jude St. John - February 12, 2023
This week we consider the faith of the Judges, Kings and Prophets as well as faith in exploits and faith in hardships.
Jude St. John - January 29, 2023
This week we consider the faith of the Patriarchs--Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph--and expand our understanding of godly faith.
Jude St. John - January 22, 2023
The author of Hebrews continues to discuss faith and give examples offaith that resulted in the commendation of God to Old Testament saints.
Jude St. John - January 15, 2023
We begin our consideration of the eleventh chapter of Hebrews considering faith as we prepare for a chapter on the topic.
Jude St. John - January 08, 2023
This week's sermon focuses on the practical admonition that is made coming out of the very serious warning that precedes it. The author of Hebrews informs the readers how they should heed his warning.
Lyall Mix - January 01, 2023
This sermon looks at the four key truths that God had for Joshua that we can apply to our lives today.
Jude St. John - December 25, 2022
This Christmas Day we consider why God the Son became a man.
Jude St. John - December 18, 2022
This week’s Christmas sermon considers how the coming of Jesus defeats despair, disrupts silence, and dispels darkness.
Aaron Haig - December 11, 2022
This week we are warned by the author of Hebrews that the rejection of God’s Son and his sacrifice through deliberate, persistent sin, will result in judgement.
Barry Usher - December 04, 2022
Draw Near, Hold Fast, Encourage One Another.
Jude St. John - November 27, 2022
This week we conclude a major section of Hebrews. The author culminates his argument of the superiority of Jesus by presenting the testimony of the Holy Spirit in regards to Jesus and his sacrifice.
Jude St. John - November 20, 2022
This week we compare the priests who stand with the Priest who sat down at God's right hand and what that says about their sacrifices.
Jude St. John - November 13, 2022
This week we consider the obedience of Jesus in his self-sacrifice.
Jude St. John - November 06, 2022
We continue to consider the sacrifice of Christ and compare it to the Old Covenant sacrifices.
Jude St. John - October 30, 2022
This week we look at the sufficiency for salvation of the self-sacrifice of the Son of God.
Jude St. John - October 23, 2022
Returning to the Book of Hebrews, we consider more reasons from the author concerning the superiority of Jesus and the covenant he mediates.
Rhys Plant - October 16, 2022
In our text this morning we see an example of the importance of church membership.
Jude St. John - October 09, 2022
This week we look at some of the challenges to church membership.
Jude St. John - October 02, 2022
This week we consider what the New Testament teaches about membership through its patterns, practices, and imperatives.
Jude St. John - September 25, 2022
This first sermon in our series on church membership looks at the foundation for membership seen throughout Scripture.
Jude St. John - September 18, 2022
This week we look at a communal lament over the destruction of Jerusalem.
Jude St. John - September 11, 2022
This week we look at a psalmist’s crisis of faith and learn how that teaches us in our day.
Jude St. John - September 04, 2022
This week we look at a royal psalm initially about King Solomon but ultimately about King Jesus.
Jude St. John - August 28, 2022
This week's psalm examines the thoughts, words, and actions of an elderly follower of God.
Jude St. John - August 23, 2022
This short psalm looks with urgency upon God as deliverer.
Jude St. John - August 14, 2022
This week we consider an individual lament of the psalmist as he is being reproached by his opponents.
Jude St. John - August 07, 2022
This week’s psalm considers God’s work of conquest as he led Israel into the Promised Land and how this psalm is fulfilled in Jesus.
Jude St. John - July 31, 2022
This week’s psalm considers the blessing of God and how he uses it in our lives.
Dave De Smit - July 24, 2022
This week we’ll see in Psalm 66 how God, in his sovereignty, delivers his people from the slavery of this world, resulting in their praise.
Barry Usher - July 17, 2022
In Psalm 65, David's song of praise provides encouragement for believers to offer praise to God as our Savior, our Sovereign Creator, and our All-Sufficient Provider.
Rick Walton - July 10, 2022
God uses suffering to give us opportunities that produce God glorifying benefits.
Jude St. John - July 03, 2022
Psalm 63 teaches that communion with God is what truly satisfies our souls.
Jude St. John - June 26, 2022
This week we see that Jesus's sacrifice is superior to those of the old covenant based on the sphere, the means, the outcome, and the effectiveness.
Jon Magwood - June 19, 2022
This passage illustrates God’s accessibility to us by recounting His design for the tabernacle.
Jude St. John - June 12, 2022
This week we consider the deficiencies of the Old Covenant and what is better with the New Covenant.
Barry Usher - June 05, 2022
In this passage we see that Jesus' ministry eclipses all others because his divinely established throne, which is set in God's heavenly temple, is evidence of a better covenant.
Jude St. John - May 29, 2022
This week the author of Hebrews summarizes his portrayal of Jesus as the superior priest by pointing to his perfections.
Jude St. John - May 22, 2022
This week we consider the extent of the salvation that Christ has accomplished for his people.
Rand Luka - May 15, 2022
This week we continue to consider how Jesus is superior to the Levitical priests.
Jude St. John - May 08, 2022
This week we consider Jesus's superiority based on the better hope that is found in him.
Jude St. John - May 01, 2022
This week we return to our series on the book of Hebrews.
Jude St. John - April 24, 2022
Our final sermon in our Easter series “From the Dead” looks at practical implications of the resurrection of Jesus.
Jude St. John - April 17, 2022
The resurrection of Jesus is a display of the power of God, a vindication of Jesus's saving work, and a guarantee of eternal life for God's people.
Jude St. John - April 10, 2022
This week our passage gives us 5 charges to encourage the Jacqueline Street Alliance Church team with as they begin Sunday morning services next Sunday.
Jude St. John - April 03, 2022
This week we begin our sermon series built on the one explicit mention of the resurrection in the Book of Hebrews. We will consider the title with which the author addresses God is his prayerful benediction: the God of peace.
Jude St. John - March 27, 2022
This week we consider a passage which exposes the insufficiency of both the Levitical priests and the Mosaic Law and directs our attention to the sufficiency of Christ.
Nelson Annan - March 20, 2022
No matter what happens in our world, every Christian should live with certainty about their identity and their future. We should also be certain about the life we are called to live.
Rhys Plant - March 13, 2022
Today we look at who Melchizedek was and why that encourages us to think about who Jesus is.
Jude St. John - March 06, 2022
This week’s passage focuses on the assurance and hope found in the Father’s word and in the Son’s work.
Kevin Rutledge - February 27, 2022
Jealousy is a destructive vice that hurts a lot of people. You might be surprised to learn that that jealousy is a characteristic Of God. Discover how this makes sense.
Rhys Plant - February 20, 2022
Our text this morning is the hopeful conclusion to a series of rebukes, corrections and warnings that came before. In these verses the author of Hebrews offers comfort and encouragement as he assures his audience of his confidence in their faith and his hope for their preservation.
Jude St. John - February 13, 2022
We continue considering the warning passage that we have looked at for several weeks. This week we see that determined disregard for the Son and his salvation will result in judgment. We are admonished to not neglect so great a salvation.
Jude St. John - February 06, 2022
This week we consider again verses that call believers to leave immaturity and move on to maturity.
Rhys Plant - January 30, 2022
In our passage today the author of Hebrews takes a break from reflecting on Christ’s high priestly office to rebuke his audience for their immaturity.
Jude St. John - January 23, 2022
By comparing and contrasting Jesus and the Levitical priests, the author of Hebrews demonstrates that Jesus is a better priest and serves in a better priesthood.
Jude St. John - January 16, 2022
We see in these verses the connection between Jesus as our high priest and our perseverance in the faith.
Jude St. John - January 09, 2022
In our message today, the author of Hebrews concludes his reflection on the rest of God, with a final encouragement to enter that rest, or face the consequences of disobedience.
Jude St. John - January 02, 2022
This week we return to our sermon series through Hebrews considering the rest of God and how believers enter into it.
Jude St. John - December 26, 2021
This week we see that along with being born to die and being born to destroy, Jesus was also born to deliver.
Rhys Plant - December 19, 2021
In this sermon we will see that part of the reason that Jesus was born was to destroy the devil. At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our victorious king, the one who will destroy his enemy forever.
Jude St. John - December 12, 2021
The first sermon in our series on the incarnation considers that Jesus was born to die.
Jude St. John - December 05, 2021
Having discussed the nature of the warnings in Hebrews last week, we will consider the warning delivered in our passage and see how it can be applied in our day.
Jude St. John - November 28, 2021
This week we consider how warnings function in the Book of Hebrews. We will answer the questions, “Who are they directed at?” and “What are the consequences?”
Rhys Plant - November 21, 2021
As we finish our series on the Church, we see that the hope of the church is found in the fact that God has promised to redeem his people and to dwell with them forever, and we hope and believe that he will.
Rhys Plant - November 14, 2021
In our passage today we see Paul describing what the life of the church should look like as we seek to glorify God as his chosen people.
Jude St. John - November 07, 2021
As we spend the next 3 weeks considering the church, we begin this week looking at the very first church of the New Testament age, the church in Jerusalem. We consider how it was born, how it conducted itself, and how it expanded.
Jude St. John - October 31, 2021
This week’s passage has the author of Hebrews focusing on the faithfulness of Christ.
Rhys Plant - October 24, 2021
In our text today we continue to see how Christ is superior to angels in every way. In this continued reflection on the humanity of Christ and his greatness, we see that he is great because he is our saviour, brother, deliverer and friend.
Jude St. John - October 17, 2021
Jesus is not only superior to angels in his divinity, he is also superior to them in his humanity because God has crowned him with glory and honour.
Jude St. John - October 10, 2021
The author of Hebrews culminates his discussion of Christ’s superiority over angels with a warning and an admonition.
Rhys Plant - October 03, 2021
In our passage today we see the author of Hebrews continue to make much of Jesus. He compares the angels to the Son, and shows how the Son is so much greater than the angels in every way.
Jude St. John - September 26, 2021
This week we consider the prominent theme of exile in the Letter to the Hebrews.
Jude St. John - September 12, 2021
With our first overview of Hebrews, and our first sermon in this series, we will consider the purpose of the letter.
Jude St. John - September 05, 2021
In Psalm 62 David encourages the people of God to trust the Lord in all things, and to rest in the truth of who He is.
Jude St. John - August 29, 2021
This week we consider God as our refuge.
Jude St. John - August 22, 2021
This week we consider a psalm of lament that was composed retrospectively in response to a military defeat and the ensuing victory.
Jude St. John - August 15, 2021
Jude St. John - August 08, 2021
Rhys Plant - August 01, 2021
Rhys Plant - July 25, 2021
Jude St. John - July 11, 2021
Jude St. John - July 04, 2021
Jude St. John - June 27, 2021
Jude St. John - June 13, 2021
Jude St. John - June 06, 2021
Lyall Mix - May 30, 2021
Jude St. John - May 23, 2021
Jude St. John - May 16, 2021
Barry Usher - May 09, 2021
Jude St. John - May 02, 2021
Jude St. John - April 25, 2021
Ron Standish - April 18, 2021
Jude St. John - April 11, 2021
Jude St. John - April 04, 2021
Jude St. John - April 01, 2021
Jude St. John - March 28, 2021
Jude St. John - March 21, 2021
Jude St. John - March 14, 2021
Jude St. John - March 07, 2021
Nelson Annan - February 28, 2021
February 21, 2021
Jude St. John - February 14, 2021
Jude St. John - February 07, 2021
Jude St. John - January 31, 2021
Jude St. John - January 24, 2021
Jude St. John - January 17, 2021
Jude St. John - January 10, 2021
Jude St. John - January 03, 2021
Jude St. John - December 27, 2020
Jude St. John - December 24, 2020
Jude St. John - December 20, 2020
Jude St. John - December 13, 2020
Rhys Plant - December 06, 2020
Barry Usher - November 29, 2020
In the face of fear and uncertainty, believers can rest in God’s sovereignty knowing that He is faithful to keep His promises and His power is on display in the lives of His people.
Jon Magwood - November 22, 2020
Jude St. John - November 15, 2020
This week we consider Jesus' teaching about the Messiah. Jesus wants his listeners to reflect on what sort of Saviour the Messiah would be and so he teaches them from the Old Testament.
Jude St. John - November 08, 2020
Jude St. John - November 01, 2020
Rhys Plant - October 25, 2020
Jude St. John - October 18, 2020
This week we consider a passage in which the chief priests, the scribes, and the community leaders question Jesus about his authority. Where does it come from? Who gave it to him?
Jude St. John - October 11, 2020
Rob Bell - October 04, 2020
Rhys Plant - September 27, 2020
Gerald Hayes - September 20, 2020
Jude St. John - September 13, 2020
Jude St. John - September 06, 2020
Rick Walton - August 30, 2020
Rhys Plant - August 23, 2020
Jude St. John - August 16, 2020
Jude St. John - August 09, 2020
Jude St. John - August 02, 2020
Jude St. John - July 26, 2020
Jude St. John - July 19, 2020
Jude St. John - July 12, 2020
This week we study a psalm which was sung at the marriage of an ancient king. The New Testament writers teach us that Jesus is the fulfillment of this psalm. So we look to this psalm to learn about and love our King.
July 09, 2020
Ron Standish - June 21, 2020
Jude St. John - June 21, 2020
This week we consider another passage wherein Jesus is asked about what is required for eternal life.
Jude St. John - June 14, 2020
Jude St. John - June 07, 2020
Ray Majoran - May 31, 2020
Jude St. John - May 24, 2020
Jude St. John - May 17, 2020
Chris Postma - May 10, 2020
Jude St. John - May 03, 2020
Jude St. John - April 26, 2020
Jon Magwood - April 19, 2020
Jude St. John - April 12, 2020
Jude St. John - April 09, 2020
Jude St. John - April 05, 2020
Jude St. John - March 29, 2020
Jude St. John - March 22, 2020
Jude St. John - March 15, 2020
Jude St. John - February 13, 2020
In this answer to a question raised by one of the crowd, Jesus confronts our misconceptions about entering the kingdom of God.
Barry Usher - February 08, 2020
This week we look at Jesus’ parables comparing the kingdom of God to a mustard seed and leaven.
Jude St. John - February 08, 2020
This week’s passage contains a miraculous healing by Jesus that is demonstration of God’s kingdom and a display of God’s compassion.
Jude St. John - February 08, 2020
Rhys Plant - January 12, 2020
This week we see that Jesus came to judge and to cause division yet he desires that people would know the truth of who he is that they might know the one who will judge them.
Jude St. John - January 12, 2020
This week’s passage contains Jesus teaching his disciples with parables, illustrations, and instructions which all revolve around the disciples being ready for Jesus’ return.
Jude St. John - December 29, 2019
This week we will see Jesus’ instructions in regards to anxiety and worry. His disciples are to battle anxiety by deliberating, desiring, and doing in accordance with who God is, what God has done, and what God has promised.
Jude St. John - December 22, 2019
This second of two Christmas sermons looks at the anticipation so many experience at Christmas time and considers the expectancy and hope at the birth of the Messiah.
Jude St. John - December 15, 2019
This first of two Christmas sermons looks at the anticipation so many experience at Christmas time and considers the anticipation of the birth of the Messiah.
Jude St. John - December 08, 2019
This week we look at the parable of the Rich Fool and consider Jesus’ teaching on greed and worldly possessions.
Jude St. John - December 01, 2019
Jesus speaks to us about the unforgivable sin, hell and the faithfulness of God - all for our good!
Jude St. John - November 24, 2019
This week’s passage has Jesus aiming his teaching from the rest of the chapter towards the religious leaders of the day.
Jude St. John - November 17, 2019
This week we look at various responses to Jesus and the commentary that Jesus’ teaching makes on those responses.
Gerald Hayes - November 03, 2019
This week we consider Jesus' teaching on prayer that he delivered to the disciples which is known the world over as The Lord's Prayer.
Jude St. John - October 27, 2019
This week we look at Jesus’ encounter with two sisters and the importance of his teaching.
Jude St. John - October 20, 2019
This week we return to the Gospel of Luke and consider Jesus’ teaching on eternal life, love of God, and love of neighbour.
Rob Bell - October 06, 2019
This week we return to our sermon series on the book of Luke, and look at Jesus sending out seventy-two followers to announce his ministry.
Jude St. John - September 29, 2019
This final sermon of our Church Planting series considers the sacrifices that church planting will require.
Jude St. John - September 22, 2019
This week we consider how church planting, discipleship, and the glory of God are connected.
Jude St. John - September 15, 2019
This week we look at the Great Commission, church planting, and evangelism.
Jude St. John - September 08, 2019
This week we look at the causes and remedy for the psalmist’s downcast soul.
Jude St. John - September 01, 2019
This week we consider the first two psalms from the second collection of psalms in the Book of Psalms. There is a longing deep within the soul of mankind which can only be satisfied by God.
Jude St. John - August 25, 2019
This week we look at the final psalm of the first book of psalms. In it we see a God who is gracious to David, to Israel, and to all who would call upon him for salvation.
Jude St. John - August 18, 2019
This week's psalm, Psalm 40, focuses on praise and prayer which find their foundation in the steadfast love and merciful faithfulness of God.
Rick Walton - August 12, 2019
Discover how God transforms David through suffering and discipline to experience a restored hope!
Chris Postma - August 12, 2019
The Lord's discipline exposes the inner longings of our heart and compels us to find our satisfaction in Him alone.
Jude St. John - August 12, 2019
This week we consider a psalm in which David encourages God's people to have faith and to live faithfully, and to base those things on the faithfulness of God.
Gerald Hayes - August 12, 2019
This week we consider one of the most spectacular events in the life of Jesus: the transfiguration. We will consider the context of this event, some Old Testament precedents, and what the transfiguration points to.
Darryl Dash - August 12, 2019
This week Corporis main speaker Darryl Dash will be preaching on the privileges of church planting. Darryl is a pastor and church planter in Toronto and author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Life. He is married to Charlene and has two adult children: Christy and Josiah. He serves as pastor at Liberty Grace Church. Together with Charlene, he founded Gospel for Life, an online resource designed to help people grow.
Jude St. John - July 14, 2019
Today we will be continuing our summer series on the Psalms, focusing on Psalm 35. In this imprecatory Psalm, David calls down the judgement ofGod on his enemies. We’ll be asking some difficult questions of thispassage: Are we meant to continue praying in this manner in the present day in contrast to what Jesus says about loving our enemies? We will see that this Psalm teaches us of God’s holiness, his glory and how it pointstowards His son, Jesus.
Jude St. John - July 07, 2019
We begin our Summer in the Psalms with Psalm 34. This Psalm is apsalm of praise in regards to God’s salvation.
Moses Latigo - June 30, 2019
This Sunday we will have a report from Moses and Jill regarding their mission work in Uganda. Moses will be preaching about Refugees and Christianity.
Jude St. John - June 16, 2019
As Jesus sets his face towards Jerusalem, we learn that each person’s orientation to the cross is of great importance. We see the world’s stance in regards to the cross, the disciples’ stance in regards to the cross, and most importantly we see Jesus’ stance in regards to the cross.
Jude St. John - June 09, 2019
As Jesus continues to instruct the disciples, we learn that kingdom greatness is not achieved through comparison or exclusion but rather through union with Christ and communion with all those who are united to him.
Jude St. John - June 02, 2019
This week we see Jesus discipling his followers through his works and his words. What does he teach them? He teaches them that weakness in God’s hands is the way to salvation.
Zane Pratt - May 26, 2019
This morning, Zane Pratt, associate professor for Christian Missions at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary will be preaching to us from Matthew 28:16-20
Jude St. John - May 05, 2019
This week we reach a turning point in the Gospel of Luke. Jesus finishes the Galilean portion of his ministry and sets his sight on Jerusalem and the suffering he would experience there.
Chris Postma - April 28, 2019
Jesus has authority to multiply; believing that he loves to do so for his own glory, and commands us to be involved in the process, is essential for our progress in the faith and the progress of the Gospel of the kingdom.
Jude St. John - April 21, 2019
Penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) is at the very heart of the gospel. Having looked at all three words--penal, substitutionary, and atonement-- we now consider PSA in light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The following individuals are being baptized this morning: Alyssa Ede, Logan Neable, Ryan Sluban, as well as Isaac Dinkha & Loui Fraige from our Arabic Fellowship.
Jude St. John - April 14, 2019
Penal substitutionary atonement (PSA) is at the very heart of the gospel. And at the very heart of PSA is Christ’s self-substitution as a sacrifice for our sins. Today we will look at substitution and consider the Passover as an example of it.
Jude St. John - April 07, 2019
Jude St. John - March 31, 2019
This week we consider a passage in which Herod is scrutinizing themessage and miracles of Jesus and wrestling with the question “Who is he?”
Jude St. John - March 26, 2019
This week we consider Jesus sending the 12 disciples into their first foray of ministry. We will see the similarities and differences between their sending and the sending of all believers.
Jude St. John - March 17, 2019
This week we see Jesus’ authority and compassion that bring about salvation despite disease and death.
Rob Bell - March 09, 2019
We may be familiar and comfortable with the stories of Jesus calming a storm and casting out demons, but the reality is that the witnesses to those moments felt great discomfort and fear. We look today at how the authority and character of Jesus should cause us to marvel.
Jude St. John - March 03, 2019
The proverb and episode that follow the parable of the sower demonstrate Jesus’ insistence that those who are to be his true followers will demonstrate their authenticity by how they respond to his teaching.
Cory McKenna - February 24, 2019
How can I know that I’m truly saved? How can I sincerely help a hypocrite? How can I biblically manage my expectations in personal evangelism? In this passage in Luke, God gave us a simple answer key for clearly comprehending and communicating the vital truths of salvation and sanctification.
Jude St. John - February 17, 2019
This week we consider Jesus' interaction with several women and the impact of their faith in him.
Ray Majoran - February 10, 2019
This week Ray Majoran examines an important question that was asked of Jesus: “Are you the One, or should we look for another?” Based on His response, we’ll discuss the implications of what it means for us today.
Rick Walton - February 03, 2019
This week Rick Walton considers the story of Jesus raising the widow’s son.
Jude St. John - January 27, 2019
Following Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain, he heals the centurion’s servant after commending him for his faith. What was special about the faith of this man?
Jude St. John - January 20, 2019
This week we finish off the sixth chapter of Luke as we consider Jesus’teaching on the good and bad fruit and the good and bad foundations.
Jude St. John - January 13, 2019
This week we continue considering Jesus’ teaching in Luke 6. Jesus instructs his disciples to “judge not” but does this really mean what most people think?
Jon Magwood - January 06, 2019
Jesus gives a challenge to His disciples that makes them different than others around them. They are to fight their battles with a strategy that seems backwards to what might be expected. The challenge is now offered you: will you love your enemies?
Jude St. John - December 30, 2018
This week we consider the final name that Isaiah prophesied would be attributed to the Saviour in Isaiah 9:6 who was born as a child and given as a Son: Prince of Peace.
Jude St. John - December 23, 2018
This week we consider the third name that Isaiah prophesied would be attributed to the Saviour born as a child and given as a Son: Everlasting Father.
Jude St. John - December 16, 2018
This week we consider the second name that Isaiah prophesied would be attributed to the Saviour born as a child and given as a Son: Mighty God.
Jude St. John - December 10, 2018
Today we consider the first of four titles that Isaiah prophesied would be attributed to the Saviour who would be born as a child and given as a son.
Jude St. John - December 02, 2018
For the second week we consider the Beatitudes as Jesus conveys to his disciples what the life of a citizen of the kingdom of heaven can look like.
Ron Standish - November 25, 2018
This morning Ron Standish continues our sermon series in Luke, speaking on the Beatitudes.
Jude St. John - November 18, 2018
This week’s sermon focuses on the ministry of Jesus; a ministry that was identified by compassion and power in word and deed.
Jude St. John - November 11, 2018
This week we look at Jesus' choosing of the 12 apostles from the group of his disciples. Jesus began this action through prayer and finished it pursuing the purposes of God.
Jude St. John - November 04, 2018
This week we return to the book of Luke and consider two Sabbath confrontations Jesus has with the Pharisees. In both cases, Jesus is ultimately demonstrating who he is and what he will do; he is displaying the gospel.
October 26, 2018
This week we consider how stories are an integral part of Evangelism. THE STORY of Jesus Christ—who he was and what he did—is the controlling story and our stories-–how we interact with THE STORY—are an impactful way of evangelizing.
Jude St. John - October 21, 2018
This week we consider different aspects of how Jesus proclaims the good news and evaluate how that informs our own presentation of the gospel to those who do not believe.
Jude St. John - October 14, 2018
This week we explicitly follow the tagline of our sermon series: "Learning from Jesus to speak of Jesus." We will consider Jesus and how he interacts with the Samaritan woman at the well to learn how we ought to posture ourselves as we seek to evangelize.
Graham Buchanan - October 07, 2018
This morning Pastor Graham is continuing our discussion on evangelism and WLA.
Jude St. John - September 30, 2018
This week we consider 4 things from chapter 5 of 2 Corinthians which will help us as a church cultivate a culture of evangelism.
Cory McKenna - September 23, 2018
Knowing God personally is the pursuit of discipleship and making God personally known is the purpose of evangelism. This sermon teaches through Romans chapters 1 - 3 where we learn that every image-bearing creature of God has been given sufficient knowledge to condemn us, but insufficient knowledge to save us. This is why we all need to know Christ and His Gospel.
Jude St. John - September 16, 2018
This week we begin a series on evangelism in which we consider what the Bible teaches us about sharing our faith. We will look to Jesus to learn from Jesus about what it means to speak about Jesus.
Jude St. John - September 09, 2018
We finish this session in the Psalms with Psalm 33 and consider it as a summary of the psalms we have preached through this summer. Psalm 33 declares the sovereign power and steadfast love of God in the midst of our troubles, trials, and tribulations. God's love and power evoke a grateful praise and patient trust as we put our hope in him.
Jude St. John - September 04, 2018
This week we look at Psalm 32 and how the psalmist rejoices in the gracious forgiveness of God. Forgiveness releases one from the misery of sin, and it comes through the confession of sin.
Jude St. John - August 28, 2018
This week our sermon looks at Psalm 31 which is a prayerful psalm in which David petitions God for deliverance in the midst of problems he is facing. Psalm 31 teaches us how we can pray through problems.
Chris Postma - August 19, 2018
Psalm 30 is a Song of David, exalting God for drawing him out of the pit. As David discovered, the glory of God is central to our going down to the pit and to our being drawn out of the pit.
Jon Magwood - August 12, 2018
Psalm 29 is written by David, a song recounting creation’s dramatic response to God’s voice. This morning, we will consider what we can learn from creation’s response and examine how we ourselves ought to respond as God’s people.
Jon grew up attending West London Alliance Church, participating in youth group and serving with Camp Elements. In high school, he put his faith in Jesus as his Saviour and was baptized on his 16th birthday. For the past few years, he has been training for pastoral ministry, most recently at Moody Bible Institute, from where he graduated this past spring. He lives here in London, working in labour temporarily as he anticipates serving in a formal role as a youth pastor someday.
Jon Magwood - August 05, 2018
In Psalm 28, David finds himself walking a road towards unavoidable doom, crying out to God as the only one who can intervene. This morning, we will explore how to navigate the difficult roads we find ourselves on and where we ought to turn for rescue.
Jude St. John - July 29, 2018
The problems David encounters (from his enemies) have solutions that depend on his relational proximity to the Lord. This truth in Psalm 27 is as relevant for us today as it was for the shepherd-warrior who wrote this song of prayer and praise.
Jude St. John - July 22, 2018
In Psalm 26, David prays to God for vindication from his enemies who oppose him. He asks that God would be gracious to him, and yet he also points to his own integrity and faithfulness as a reason for God to respond favourably.
Jude St. John - July 08, 2018
Psalm 24 focuses on themes around being in the presence of the divine King. It considers what the King is like and what is required to gain an audience with Him. This is of utmost importance to all those who desire to "dwell in the house of the LORD forever."
Jude St. John - July 01, 2018
Today we consider one of the most beloved Psalms, Psalm 23. This Psalm speaks of God’s provision and protection over those who trust inHim.
Jude St. John - June 24, 2018
Jesus's mini-parables of a wedding, garments, and the wineskins indicate that the kingdom of God which Jesus is proclaiming and demonstrating is a new thing that includes new approaches, new desires, new forms, a new period, a new prophet and king, and a new covenant.
Jude St. John - June 17, 2018
This week we examine Jesus's call of Levi as well as his own calling of sinners to repentance.
Joel Knapp - June 10, 2018
In today's passage we see another miracle by Jesus as he heals the paralyzed man. In this miracle, Jesus deals with the core of this man's problem, which is not his legs but his sin. However, this does not happen without conflict and controversy.
Jude St. John - June 03, 2018
This week we see from God's Word that Jesus is willing and able to help those in need and how those in need should approach Jesus for help.
Jude St. John - May 27, 2018
In the miraculous catch of fish and the calling of some of the disciples, we can see the knowledge and authority of Jesus and recognize that he is one that should be followed.
May 20, 2018
This week we look at Jesus's preaching and how his preaching indicated his purpose on earth.
Jude St. John - May 13, 2018
This week we encounter Jesus demonstrating his power and authority as he sets free and heals those who are ill and oppressed.
Bill Coleman - May 06, 2018
This morning we welcome Bill Coleman Jr. who will be sharing with us the good work of Compassion Canada. (www.compassion.ca)
Chris Poots - April 29, 2018
Ron Standish - April 22, 2018
The big idea of this sermon: Overcoming our _______ so that we can better embrace God's promises - all by His grace.
Jude St. John - April 15, 2018
Jude St. John - April 08, 2018
We return to our series in Luke's Gospel this Sunday and consider the wilderness temptation of Jesus. This episode confirms Jesus's identity as his public ministry is about to begin.
Jude St. John - April 01, 2018
Victory is an image of Christ's atoning work drawn from the battlefield. Our victory is Christ's victory, which he won in his life, death, and resurrection. Victory is our Easter anthem.
Jude St. John - March 25, 2018
Adoption is an image of Christ's atoning work drawn from the home. Our adoption is considered by many to be the greatest benefit of Christ's work of atonement.
Jude St. John - March 18, 2018
Justification is an image of Christ's atoning work drawn from the courtroom. Our justification is the declaration of God that we are righteous with the righteousness of Christ.
Rob Bell - March 11, 2018
This week, the atonement--our salvation that God accomplished by self- satisfaction through self-substitution--will be considered in an image that pertains to our relational status with God: reconciliation. In 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 we will see that God is the author, Christ is the agent, and we are the ambassadors of this reconciliation.
Jude St. John - March 04, 2018
This week, the atonement--our salvation that God accomplished by self- satisfaction through self-substitution--will be considered in an image that pertains to our relational status with God: reconciliation. In 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 we will see that God is the author, Christ is the agent, and we are the ambassadors of this reconciliation.
Jude St. John - February 25, 2018
This week we build upon the doctrine of satisfaction and consider the equally foundational doctrine of substitution. In fact, at its core, the atonement can be defined as satisfaction through substitution.
Rand Luka - February 18, 2018
This week we begin our Easter sermon series looking at the biblical concept of satisfaction. In fact, satisfaction is not an image of the atonement, rather it is the very foundation of humanity's need to be atoned for; if God did not need to be satisfied the atonement would not be necessary.
Chris Postma - February 11, 2018
A detailed look at Luke's telling of the genealogy of Jesus Christ shows that Jesus is the Saviour of all and God's divinely appointed solution for mankind's greatest problem!
Jude St. John - February 04, 2018
This week we consider Jesus's baptism and the divine endorsement that came immediately following it.
Being Baptized this morning: Nathan Dunmore, Sarah Hicks, Mackenzie Neable, Katherine Wright.
Jude St. John - January 28, 2018
This week we revisit John the Baptist and consider how his purpose, preaching, prophesying, and punishment all pointed to the Saviour Jesus Christ.
Jude St. John - January 21, 2018
This week get a brief glimpse of the childhood of Jesus in the story where he remains in Jerusalem while his parents return to Galilee. This passage brings clarity to who the Son of Mary and Joseph is.
Jude St. John - January 14, 2018
This week we learn more about the promised salvation that the newly born Jesus will eventually fulfill. It is a salvation that also comes with judgment and it is a deliverance that will cost Jesus much.
Jude St. John - January 07, 2018
This week we look at the birth of John the Baptist which includes Zechariah's hymn of praise. We will see in this passage the great truth that God keeps His Word particularly in regards to the salvation of His people.
Jude St. John - December 31, 2017
This week we look at the angelic birth announcement of John the Baptist and consider the reaction of his parents.
Jude St. John - December 24, 2017
This Christmas Eve day we consider the birth of Jesus as recounted by Luke. We will hear that Mary "gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths and laid him in a manger." We will look into the significance of this to our lives.
Jude St. John - December 17, 2017
This week's passage from the Gospel of Luke contains three people-- John, Elizabeth, and Mary--testifying to the coming of the Lord and the resulting blessings of this fulfillment of God's promise.
Jude St. John - December 10, 2017
This week we look at the angel Gabriel's prophetic announcement of the birth of Jesus and Mary's reaction to the message.
Dave DeSmitt - November 26, 2017
Soli Deo Gloria - This week we are completing our Reformation Series on the 5 Solas by studying “Soli Deo Gloria” or, “Glory to God Alone.” What is the glory of God? How can we see the glory of God? What does it mean to glorify God in everything that we do as commanded in 1 Corinthians 10:31? We’ll be addressing these questions (and more) this morning.
This morning we will receive a special offering for our WLA Cares Fund, which will allow us to make Christmas a little brighter for over 30 families from our community.
Jude St. John - November 19, 2017
We continue our celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation by looking at the fourth Sola: Solus Christus or Christ Alone. "Christ alone" reminds us that at the center of our salvation, as well as the 5 Solas of the Reformation, is sufficiently, exclusively, and pre-eminently, our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Joel Knapp - November 12, 2017
This morning we will be continuing our series on the "five solas" and looking at Sola Gratia or By Grace Alone. We will see why grace was so important to the reformers 500 years ago and why it is just as important today.
Gary Prickett - November 05, 2017
"Faith alone" is no less important to us as to the Reformers because it is one of the key points that separate the true biblical Gospel from false gospels. Getting the Gospel right is so important that earlier in Galatians Paul writes: "As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed (Gal 1:9)". Justification by faith alone, that is to say, the way we are considered right before God is fundamental to the Gospel and thus a literal matter of life and death.
Jude St. John - October 29, 2017
This morning we begin our 5-week sermon series celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation with a sermon on one of the "five solas" of the Reformation. Sola Scriptura, or Scripture Alone, is the focus of this first sermon.
Mamdouh - October 25, 2017
This week, Mamdouh from Trans World Radio will speak on the role of discipleship in church growth and multiplication, and what is required to build a discipleship movement.
Jude St. John - October 15, 2017
This week we look at church membership and its relationship to discipleship. We will consider what it is, its biblical foundation, and its benefits.
Jude St. John - October 08, 2017
In previous sermons we have seen that the Great Commission is God's mission for Jesus's disciples and that disciples fulfill the Great Commission through evangelizing or sharing the gospel. This week we see that the results of disciples being made is churches being planted.
Jude St. John - October 03, 2017
In previous sermons we have discussed how disciples are called to make disciples. But, how does one make disciples? Today's sermon answers that question; disciples are made through evangelism!
Jude St. John - September 24, 2017
This week we consider the critical role that God's Word plays in discipleship. The Word is the means the Spirit uses to create spiritual life, to cultivate spiritual life, and to consummate spiritual life; therefore, disciples will saturate their lives with it and employ it as they connect, grow, and go.
Graham Buchanan - September 17, 2017
This morning we look forward to hearing from our own Graham Buchanan, continuing our series in Discipleship.
Lyall Mix - September 10, 2017
Jesus met four fishermen and told them FOLLOW ME AND I WILL MAKE YOU FISHERS OF MEN. Today, we are going to look at the response of the four fishermen to Christ’s call. Specifically, how they set the example for us in being disciples of Christ and what discipleship looks like.
Jude St. John - September 05, 2017
This week we begin our sermon series entitled Discipleship: Learning From Jesus to Live Like Jesus. The introductory sermon consider Jesus's words we know as The Great Commission.
Jude St. John - August 27, 2017
Rob Bell - August 20, 2017
Chris Poots - August 13, 2017
This week's sermon looks at Samson’s end. It demonstrates that Samson's downfall is to reflect to us our own weakness and to point to our need for a supernatural saviour.
Jude St. John - August 06, 2017
This week's sermon continues in the Samson narrative and focuses on his conflict with the Philistines. The passage reveals much about Samson, the Israelites, and Yahweh.
Jude St. John - July 30, 2017
The most famous deliverer in the book of Judges has to be Samson. Today's sermon focuses on the birth and early exploits of this Israelite judge. Below the surface of this story and its protagonist's feats of strength is a proclamation of the infinitely greater power of Israel's God.
Jude St. John - July 12, 2017
This well-known section of Gideon’s story demonstrates the weakness of humanity and the strength of God. In today’s sermon we consider what these truths communicate to us and how they challenge us to change.
Jude St. John - July 03, 2017
This week the sermon comes from Judges 6 in which we are introduced to the deliverer Gideon. The passage describes the events that lead up to Israel's deliverance that God brings under the leadership of Gideon. In this sermon we will see that God's way - his plan, his perspective, his preferences - are the only true and good way.
Bill Lobbezoo - June 25, 2017
Today we are pleased to welcome Alliance International Worker Bill Lobbezoo. Bill and his wife Ilana have served with the Alliance in Cambodia for over 25 years. They have two girls who are studying in Canada. This morning, Bill will be speaking from Matthew 24:1-14 regarding completing the task of world evangelization.
June 19, 2017
This week the sermon comes from Judges 4 and 5 in which we meet the deliverers Deborah and Barak. We will see in this narrative the repetition of the theme that salvation is from God. Additionally we will see that God holds humans responsible for their participation in His salvation.
Jude St. John - June 13, 2017
Today we look at the first two judges, Othniel and Ehud. We will see the cycle of falling away and deliverance that will continue throughout the book along with God being the continual source of deliverance.
Jude St. John - June 05, 2017
This week we begin our sermon series in the Book of Judges. We will get ourselves situated in the book by looking at when and for what purpose the book was written. We will focus on the major theme of the book as well as some minor themes. In light of these theological ideas we will consider how these truths apply to our lives.
Jude St. John - May 28, 2017
This final sermon in our series on biblical manhood and womanhood is an opportunity to remind ourselves what we have considered so far and to reflect on some key areas of application in regards to what we have learned.
Jude St. John - May 21, 2017
This morning we continue our sermon series "Male and Female. He Made Them." With a sermon entitled Transgenderism and the Gospel. We will see how God's Word speaks to this current issue and consider how the gospel applies to it in specific ways.
Gary Prickett - May 14, 2017
This morning Pastor Gary Prickett from Ilderton Community Bible Church will be preaching from Ephesians 5:21-33, considering the differing roles of men and women in the home.
Jude St. John - May 07, 2017
The past two Sunday sermons have helped us arrive at the understanding that both men and women in the church derive their value, dignity, and worth from their mutual sonship to God and that differences in roles and functions do not compromise that equality. Today, we consider the different roles and functions of men and women in the church as described in 1 Timothy 2:8 - 3:7.
Nate Wright - April 30, 2017
This morning we welcome Pastor Nate Wright, who will continue with our new sermon series called Male and Female. He Made Them. In this series we take a very confusing and very buzzy topic in the culture and apply God’s word to it. How should we think biblically about gender roles, gender identity, marriage, sexual orientation? Has God spoken clearly into this topic that the world seems so divided on? We believe he has, and we believe there’s a lot at stake.
Steven Harbridge - April 23, 2017
This morning we welcome District Superintendent Stephen Harbridge who will be preaching the first sermon in our series entitled "MALE AND FEMALE HE MADE THEM". Stephen will preach out of Galatians 3:26-29, on the sonship of all believers.
Jude St. John - April 16, 2017
On Easter Sunday we see that, just like David, Jesus's forsaken-ness is not forever and his salvation results in God's praise.
Jude St. John - April 09, 2017
We continue our study of Psalm 22 today as we consider how this Psalm speaks to David's, Jesus's, and our own feelings of forsaken-ness.
Jude St. John - April 02, 2017
Today we look at the first line of Psalm 22. This line, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?", was shockingly spoken by Jesus on the cross. We will consider what this line meant to David and to Jesus as we approach Easter.
March 27, 2017
In Psalm 21 we see the victory of a faithful God from a backward-looking and forward-looking perspective.
During our services today, we will receive a special offering, which will support the Adult Mission Trip to Serbia, and Danny & Vera Kuranji's ministries. Any surplus collected will go towards future Adult Mission Trips.
Dave De Smit - March 20, 2017
This morning, Dave De Smit will continue our series on Psalms, focusing on Psalm 20, a prayer of the people to God for the success of the Davidic king. Psalm 20 reminds us that our Lord is our protector, our strength, and our helper in difficult times. This strength is not meant for our own selfish use, but meant to enable us to build God's kingdom here on earth, wherever He has placed us.
Jude St. John - March 12, 2017
Jude St. John - March 05, 2017
Today we will see a significant change in the tone of psalm. Psalm 18, instead of requesting help, is a psalm of thanksgiving for God's help in securing victory. The victory, and the divine help given, tell us much more about God than about David.
Jude St. John - February 26, 2017
Joel Knapp - February 19, 2017
Jude St. John - February 05, 2017
Jude St. Johne - January 30, 2017
Jude St. John - January 22, 2017
Jude St. John - January 08, 2017
Jude St. John - January 01, 2017
Jude St. John - December 18, 2016
Jude St. John - December 11, 2016
Jude St. John - December 05, 2016
Jude St. John - November 27, 2016
Mags Magwood - November 20, 2016
Jude St.John - November 13, 2016
Jude St.John - November 06, 2016
Jude St.John - October 30, 2016
Lyall Mix - October 23, 2016
Chris Postma - October 16, 2016
Jude St. John - October 09, 2016
Jude St. John - October 02, 2016
Jude St. John - September 25, 2016
Jude St. John - September 18, 2016
Jude St. John - September 11, 2016
Jude St. John - September 04, 2016
Mags Magwood - August 28, 2016
Jude St. John - August 21, 2016
Cambodia Team - August 14, 2016
Jude St. John - August 07, 2016
Chris Postma - July 31, 2016
Graham Buchanan - July 25, 2016
Jude St. John - July 17, 2016
Jude St. John - July 10, 2016
Jude St. John - July 03, 2016
Jude St. John - June 26, 2016
Jude St. John - June 19, 2016
Jude St. John - June 12, 2016
Scott Forbes - June 05, 2016
Jude St. John - May 29, 2016
Jude St. John - May 22, 2016
Mike Wilkins - May 15, 2016
Joel Knapp - May 01, 2016
Jude St. John - April 17, 2016
Shaun Groves - April 10, 2016
Dave DeSmit - April 03, 2016
Jude St. John - March 27, 2016
Jude St. John - March 20, 2016
Jude St. John - March 13, 2016
Stephen Harbridge - March 06, 2016
Jude St. John - February 28, 2016
Jude St. John - February 21, 2016
Jude St. John - February 14, 2016
Jude St. John - February 07, 2016
Jude St. John - January 31, 2016
Joel Knapp - January 24, 2016
Jude St. John - January 17, 2016
Jude St. John - January 10, 2016
Jude St. John - January 03, 2016
Jude St. John - December 27, 2015
Jude St. John - December 20, 2015
Jude St. John - December 13, 2015
Jude St. John - December 06, 2015
Stephen Harbridge - November 29, 2015
Jude St. John - November 22, 2015
Jude St. John - November 15, 2015
Jude St. John - November 08, 2015
Jude St. John - October 25, 2015
Jude St. John - October 18, 2015
Jude St. John - October 11, 2015
Jude St. John - October 04, 2015
Jude St. John - September 27, 2015
Jude St. John - September 20, 2015
Jude St. John - September 13, 2015
Jude St. John - September 06, 2015
Graham Buchanan - August 30, 2015
Jude St. John - August 23, 2015
Jude St. John - August 16, 2015
Lyall Mix - August 09, 2015
Jude St. John - August 02, 2015
Rob Magwood - July 26, 2015
Jude St. John - July 19, 2015
Ron Standish - July 12, 2015
Dave De Smit - July 05, 2015
Mike Wilkins - June 28, 2015
Jude St. John - June 21, 2015
Mike Wilkins - June 14, 2015
Jude St. John - June 07, 2015
Mike Wilkins - May 31, 2015
Jude St. John - May 24, 2015
Mike Wilkins - May 17, 2015
Jude St. John - May 10, 2015
Jude St. John - May 03, 2015
Mike Wilkins - April 26, 2015
Jude St. John - April 19, 2015
Mike Wilkins - April 12, 2015
Mike Wilkins - April 05, 2015
Jude St. John - March 29, 2015
Jude St. John - March 15, 2015
Mike Wilkins - March 08, 2015
Jude St. John - March 01, 2015
Mike Wilkins - February 22, 2015
Jude St. John - February 15, 2015
Mike Wilkins - February 01, 2015
Jude St. John - January 25, 2015
Mike Wilkins - January 18, 2015
With the series introduced, we now come to the first of Christ's seven "I am" statements. THE BREAD OF LIFE.
Jude St. John - January 11, 2015
Mike Wilkins - January 04, 2015