Sermon Notes
Sermon notes from the weekly sermons at WLA
Sermon notes from the weekly sermons at WLA
The Gospel Goes to Samaria - Acts 8:1-25
The First Christian Martyr - Acts 6:8-7:60
A Conflict Resolved - Acts 6: 1-7
Counted Worthy to Suffer for Christ - Acts 5:12-42
The Holy Spirit Protects Christ's Church - Acts 4:32-5:11
A Prayer for Boldness - Acts 4:23-31
Opposition to the Mission - Acts 4:1-22
In the Name of Jesus - Acts 3:1-26
The Birth of the Church, Part 2: Spirit-Filled Devotion - Acts 2:42-47
The Birth of the Church, Part 1: Spirit-Filled Identity - Acts 2:14-41
The Day of Pentecost - Acts 2:1-13
Jesus Resurrected and Ascended - Acts 1:1-26
The Book of Acts
God With Us - Isaiah 7:10-17
Joy: A Son is Given - Isaiah 9:2-7
Peace: A King Will Reign in Righteousness - Isaiah 32:1-20
Hope: A shoot from Jesse's Stump - Isaiah 11:1-10
The Valley of Decision - Joel 2:28 - 3:21
From Judgment to Joy - Joel 2:1 - 27
Wake Up Call - Joel 1
Our Giving to God's Work is a Test of Our Faith - Luke 12:22 - 34, 2Corinthians 9:6 - 15
Joy in the God of Salvation - Habakkuk 3:1 - 19
Righteous Recompense and Just Judgment - Habakkuk 2:6 - 20
The Prophet's Cry and God's Command - Hababkkuk 1:1 - 2:5
God's Unending Faithfulness - Psalm 106
He Remembers His Covenant - Psalm 105
Bless the Creator and Sustainer - Psalm 104
Bless The Lord, O My Soul - Psalm 103
The Prayer of One Afflicted - Psalm 102
The Righteous Reign of a Human King - Psalm 101
A Call to Praise with Cause - Psalm 100
The Holy Reign of God - Psalm 99
God is Saviour, King, and Judge--So, We Sing! - Psalm 98
God's Reign Revealed: His Law, His Incomparability, His People - Psalm 97
The Lord Reigns As Creator, King, and Judge - Psalm 96
Let Us Worship - Psalm 95
When the Wrong Seems Oft So Strong - Psalm 94
The Lord Reigns - Psalm 93
Singing the Praises of the Lord - Psalm 92
The Lord My Refuge - Pslam 91
Putting Life into Perspective - Psalm 90
Four Great Assuranced of God's Faithfulness - Psa.m 89
Union School of Theology Sermons - John 2: 13-22, Colossian 3:12-17
The Death of Saul - 1 Samuel 31
The Spoils of the Enemies of the Lord - 1 Samuel 30
Walking in Wisdom: Lessons from David and Achish - 1Samuel 29
The Silence of God - 1 Samuel 28:3-25
David's Despair - 1 Samuel 27:1-28:2
The Lord is Kingmaker - ! Samuel 26
The Making of a King - 1 Samuel 25
A Trinitarian Easter - God the Spirit - Romans 8:3-4
A Trinitarian Easter - God the Father - Romans 8:1-17
God's Care for His Church - Genesis 3
Do Hard Things - 1Samuel 24
The Lord Prospers and Protects - 1 Samuel 23
The Surging Sinfulness of Saul - 1 Samuel 22:6-23
The Lord Helps David - 1 Samuel 21:1-22:5
The Lord Sends David Away - 1 Samuel 20
David Escapes As God Delivers - 1 Samuel 19
Let's Do What God Asks - Exodus 3 & 4
The Success of David - 1 Samuel 18
The Battle Is the Lord's - 1 Samuel 17
This Is He - 1 Samuel 16
Why Then Did You Not Obey - 1 Samuel 15
The True Light - John 1:1-9
Faith and Its Counerfeits - 1 Samuel 14
Incapable and Inadequate - 1 Samuel 13
A Peaceful Transfer of Power - 1 Samuel 12
Disgrace to Renewal - 1 Samuel 11
Hidden Among the Baggage - 1 Samuel 10:17-27
A Tale of Two Kings - 1 Samuel 9:1-10:16
Israel Rejects the Lord - 1 Samuel 8
MISSION: The Mission and Mercy - Matthew 9:10-13
MISSION: The Mission and Missions - Matthew 28: 18
MISSION: The Mission and Church Planting - Acts 13-14
MISSION: The Mission of the Church - Matthew 28: 16-20
MISSION: The Mission of God - 1 Corinthinas 4:6
O City of God - Psalm 87
You Alone Are God - Psalm 86
Restore Us! Revive Us! - Psalm 85
Better Is One Day - Psalm 84
That They May Know - Psalm 83
A Call for Judgement - Psalm 82
From Listening to Living: Embracing God’s Formative Work in Our Lives - Psalm 81
Let Your Face Shine - Psalm 80
A Lament for God's glory - Psalm 79
The Glorious Deeds of The Lord - Psalm 78
A Course Through Chaos - Psalm 77
The Victorious One - Psalm 76
God Executes Judgment - Psalm 75
The Lord Helps Israel - 1 Samuel 7:2-17
When All You've Got is a Prayer - Mark 9:14-29
The Return of the Ark - 1Samuel 5:1 - 7:1
The Glory Has Departed - 1 Samuel 4:1b-22
The Word of the Lord - 1 Samuel 3:1-4:1a
Humanity Falls - Genesis 3
The Sons of Eli - 1 Samuel 2:11-36
A Child for Hannah, A Child for the Lord - 1 Samuel 1:1 - 2:10
The Incomparable Son - Hebrews 1:1-3
Final Words - Hebrews 13:18-25
Practices for Persevering - Hebrews 13:7-17
He Was Heard - Hebrews 7:5
Charity and Chastity not Avarice - Hebrews 13:1-6
Final Warning: Do Not Refuse Him - Hebrews 12:25-29
You Have Come to Mount Zion - Hebrews 12:18-24
Pursuits and Pitfalls - Hebrews 12: 14-17
Suffering As Sons - Hebrews 12:4-13
A Call to Persevere by Faith - Hebrews 12:1-3
The Faith of Judges, Kings, and Prophets - Hebrews 11:32-40
The Faith of the Exodus Generations - Hebrews 11:23-31
The Faith of the Patriarchs - Hebrews 11:8-22
Faith from Creation to Noah - Hebrews 11:3-7
What Is Faith? Hebrews 11: 1-2
How to Heed a Warning - Hebrews 10: 32-39
And So We Begin - Joshua 1:8-9
God Became Man - Hebrews 1:1-3, 2:9
Silent Night, Love's Pure Light - Hebrews 1: 1-3
Warning Against Apostacy - Hebrews 10: 26 -31
Draw Near, Hold Fast, Encourage One Another - Hebrews 10:19-25
Where There Is Forgiveness - Hebrews 10:15-18
Perfected for All - Hebrews 10:11-14
An Obedient Servant - Hebrews 10:5-10